Can We Ever Trust The Medical Establishment Again? – IOTW Report

Can We Ever Trust The Medical Establishment Again?

Lew Rockwell-
By Chuck Baldwin

Historically, the offices of physician and pastor have been among the most trusted and respected of all callings. However, the Covid scamdemic of the past two years showed us that the vast majority of physicians and pastors were all too willing to abandon their callings and to transform themselves into sheepish slaves of the state—with no mind or will of their own. Had physicians and pastors stood together as one against what is the biggest hoax in world history, the massive damage that we are still experiencing—and will continue to experience for many years to come—would have never happened.

As far as I am concerned, the medical establishment has not shown scientific evidence that the Covid virus (as it is touted) even existed. To this day, the virus has not been scientifically isolated, as is required for the proper identification of any novel virus. Therefore, I am still not convinced that the Covid virus (again, as it is touted) ever existed. (We know that the coronavirus as associated with the common cold has been around forever.)

But even if the virus does exist (as touted), the so-called cure is a thousand times worse than the disease. And the only reason that everyone doesn’t know that is because to this very day the medical establishment and their puppets in the government and media continue to LIE TO US.

Which leads to the question: Can we ever trust the medical establishment again?

I’ll tell you this: For me and my house, the answer is a resounding NO—at least regarding the subject of vaccinations. The chronic liar and medical fraud, the modern-day version of Dr. Josef Mengele—Anthony Fauci—and his cabal of pharmaceutical mercenaries at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) have forever destroyed my faith in anything they say regarding vaccinations. more here

43 Comments on Can We Ever Trust The Medical Establishment Again?

  1. There are some individual doctors that I would trust. But the CDC, NIH, NIAID, FDA, Big Pharma, University Medical Departments, and all the other criminals that depend on government funding all seem so corrupted that we would be fools to trust ever again.

  2. The doctor as an independent contractor is a person with whom one can develop a relationship which may include, must include in the end, trust. A doctor working for the corporation can never be trusted in the manner necessary to produce a genuine doctor patient relationship due to his/her divided loyalties. This was one of the mostly unheralded purposes in 0bamacare, the elimination of private practice physicians through regulatory pressure.

  3. I trusted my family doc for close to 20 years and not at all. He has dismissed things that are very serious – partially blocked bowel (it’s just a virus), Colovesical fistula ( you are old with bad hygiene, Congestive heart failure (meh, a medication side effect). Why? I could be dead 3 times over and certainly endured a lot of pain.He’s too busy opening one clinic after another. and screw the patients.

  4. never trust someone who only deals in opinion. especially when those opinions change based on biased studies and monetary influence. if I’m wrong and die, I do it on my terms not theirs.

  5. I had an older brother that went to a doctor which told my brother to write an affidavit that he would never smoke nor drink again in order to receive some pills.

    My brother told him to piss off, he can get his own drugs on the street.

  6. “Fool me once; shame on you.
    Fool me twice; shame on me.”

    “I jus wanna stick the head in …”

    “NO! I won’t c_m in your mouth!”

    “Look – I’ll watch your part of the swag til you get out of prison. Yeah, it’ll be safe!”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. This isn’t just about COVID.

    The “medical profession” now willingly cuts healthy sex organs from prepubecent children because children who don’t know what sex is are said tho think they are something other than the genes that are ground into every living cell.

    The “medical profession” abdicated its local authority in patient-centered care to uncritically accept one-size-fits all medical diktats from government apparatchiks because, liability.

    The “medical profession” placed political goals over requiring medical school applicants to be the best of the best, causing both diminished numbers of training doctors in the pipeline and lower quality of those who are in it, even as older doctors retire earlier to escape politically centered medicine and the command-and-control bureaucracy that Obamacare inevitably – and deliberately- caused.

    The “medical profession” has created pixilation in the ranks of lesser positions to try to fill the gap, with the rise of Physician’s Assistants, Nurse Practitioners, and various striations of the ranks of nurses while removing most visual cues that differentiate them, and imbuied them with fear of lawsuits instead of giving them training and experience to have confidence in what they’re doing, leaving them paralyzed and unable to make lifesaving decisions without waiting to contact some higher authority.

    The “medical profession” has lumped together into corporate practices that require corporate restrictions, so even if a doctor thinks masks are stupid, the corporation still requires he force them on every patient, which he will do whether he thinks its a good idea or not.

    I could go on, but you can see that Covid didn’t START the decline of the “medical profession”, it was only possible because the rot was there in the FIRST place.

  8. “Can We Ever Trust The Medical Establishment Again?”


    Based on the rollouts of mRNA “therapies” and the absence of a true vaccine after over two years, it was obviously, in hindsight, a ploy to convince the public to accept those therapies despite the known and unknown dangers.

    If ChiVi is soooo frickin’ dangerous, then the medical community should be all about “right to try” of off-label use of Ivermectin or other regimens. That they blocked it at every turn, says they were not sincere about helping patients.

  9. …and never forget that the “medical profession” has so twisted its meanings and its mission that it is now busily rebranding the shredding of a term infant in the womb, or even in the birth canal, as “Abortion Care”.

  10. NO HELL NO! Trust no one. If you got the jab, you trust too much, and it will get you into trouble. Seen far too many who trusted and died, friends of mine who I thought knew better. Fear griped them, and now fear possesses them. It sad to watch.

  11. Mr Illustr8r just had a pointless appointment today. Mask nazi upon arrival. New sign in to sign stuff you can’t read on the screen (“that’s just how the software works”) and then the rudest nurse who didn’t listen at all as to why he was there.

    Then, the doctor didn’t even see him. “He’ll make his recommendation via MyChart.”


  12. The doctors, the politicians, the regulatory commissions, the lobbyists, the insurance companies, and big pharma are all in cahoots for the biggest case of collusion in history.

  13. WALTER

    50 years before Romneycare MDs taking medicare were gents of the
    Fed! NOT INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS . They signed a contract with the Fed saying they would only do what the fed said they could and they wjould spy on their patients for the fed.

    Ropmneycare did not change that.

    Note on qualification.

    Was hospital CFO for decades.

  14. Illustr8r
    OCTOBER 17, 2022 AT 5:45 PM

    …I gave up on my doctor at the beginning of Coof, when I went to him for a checkup and he shouted questions at me from the furthest corner of the room while double masked and face shielded.

    It was enough to make me wonder if they even tell young doctors that they WILL be exposed to communicable diseases.

    And actually be expected to do something USEFUL about them as well.

  15. @SNS: “I gave up on my doctor at the beginning of Coof, when I went to him for a checkup and he shouted questions at me from the furthest corner of the room while double masked and face shielded.”

    That made me laugh! If that would of happened to me,I would be laughing in the doctors face as to how stupid his education looks. I can humiliate in a to the point way.

  16. Somewhere, long ago, I thought there used to be a provision that NO law shall be passed that excludes the ASSHOLES that pass said law.

    I guess it was only a fantasy for me.

  17. @SNS As long as I stay stable I can do telemedicine appts with my nephrologist instead of making the trek into her office.

    We video chat. She is alone-in her office-with a mask on. I mean…?!? 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️

  18. Let’s face it….A mask is a cover-up, which is a perfect example of what the democrat party represents when it comes to their evil, sadistic, lying, bullshitting, Satanic, (who am I trying to kid, there’s no way to cover all the bases)?? offensive, demands, policies or dictates.

    They absolutely need a mask to help prevent the general public from discovering their real agenda.

  19. @Tony
    OCTOBER 17, 2022 AT 2:05 PM
    “Nope, take your ivermectin, cross your fingers & then just kiss your sorry-ass goodbye.”

    Hey, Tony (if that is your name) how many people died from ivermectin, of from Covid after taking ivermectin?

  20. JOE


    Dod they go to church?

    Many MD were insulted; but $ TaLKS!

    Not all md agreed to spy and refused Medicare. But they were few!

    It takes guts and a lot of integrity to refse big $
    I was fired by 2 Hospital Administrators for refusing to lie; As i was sent to detention by 2 teacher for defending “Operation Wetback” as good for “working: Americans!

    I have guts; some call me foolhardy i understand. But i sleep well.

  21. an ol exJarhead, I’ll bet you do sleep well. My youngest brother is running a hospital in Wisconsin, he is still convinced the Covid protocols are well thought out and shouldn’t be questioned. He says he’ll take every booster presented. Hey, he’s just following orders.


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