Canada is …. Like England Was – IOTW Report

Canada is …. Like England Was

What’s England like now?

21 Comments on Canada is …. Like England Was

  1. Both perverts and moslems are the spawn of Satan.
    Anyone who thinks he can “coexist” with either of them is in for a rude awakening.

    They don’t allow secession – conquest is their goal.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. If Japan would allow Americans to flood into their country, and have as many children as we want, we could essentially take the Island without firing a shot within a few generations. This is what the West has done. England is dead and has been dead demographically for 30 years now. Westminster Abbey, Big Ben, English culture itself will become artifacts. This WILL happen and the children of the men of the West will suffer. In I few years I will undoubtedly admit that the West, ethnic Europeans, and even Christendom will also be demographically terminated. Sorry for the news.

  3. Instead of being known as polite, Canadians will now be known as dumb.
    My mother grew up on PEI. They’ve also gone off the rails with this devilish tranny crap.
    They never should have built that bridge.

  4. To echo the quote by Aaron Zelman (co-founder of JPFO)….
    Too bad no one in formerly GB owns a rifle, 20 rounds of ammunition, and the will to use it. Mosque speakers (electronic an human) make great targets.

  5. Justine talking to a Moose Jaw resident:

    “I tried ordering a man bag on Amazon, but I couldn’t find any.”

    Moose Jaw resident: “That’s cuz yew need to look under dooshbags!”

  6. In the Flesh
    Lived in the UK back in late 80s into early 90s
    Covered all of East Anglia and even London
    Cambridge, Ely, Thetford Forest and Norwich
    Have not been back in decades
    Was a different time

    Pink Floyd’s Division Bell Photo Shoots were in that area
    Fountain Inns

    Also, heard way after the fact that the treasure was under the Tree. True or Lore? Don’t know. But knowing I was in the area is priceless. Have some of my own pics too.

    Saw that the World Snooker Championship was delayed for a protest. Snooker is King in the U.K. Very Polite Crowds. When it happens at the Dart Championships, I want to watch.


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