Canada Orders Yellowknife Evacuation – IOTW Report

Canada Orders Yellowknife Evacuation


Air evacuations were to begin Thursday to move residents in the capital of Canada’s Northwest Territories out of the path of wildfires that neared the city of 20,000 people.

People in the four areas of Yellowknife at highest risk should leave as soon as possible and residents in other areas have until noon Friday to leave, the Northwest Territories government said. Only those who don’t have the option of leaving by road should register for the flights out, officials added. People who are immunocompromised or have a condition that puts them at higher risk were encouraged to sign up. More

10 Comments on Canada Orders Yellowknife Evacuation

  1. On the radio today, the Premier & Mayor are MOST CONCERNED that the gas stations DO NOT run out of FUEL for the evacuation and are UPDATING the public regularly about fuel deliveries to stations.

    Imagine if they were stuck with electric vehicles taking 45 min to recharge every 200 km. ( remember Range is severely reduced as weight increases)

  2. Kcir: “On the radio today, the Premier & Mayor are MOST CONCERNED that the gas stations DO NOT run out of FUEL for the evacuation and are UPDATING the public regularly about fuel deliveries to stations.”

    What? Politicians actually working for the good of the people? Amazing.

  3. Speaking of Oprah…I went horseback riding near Hana, Maui a few years ago. The trail took us right across Oprah’s landholdings. She wasn’t there with a shotgun barring our way, so I guess it was OK.

    The mare I was riding was lazy but smart enough to try to take shortcuts along the way. The trail boss told me not to let her do that, to keep her on the trail. Good mare though, she left some fragrant mementos on Oprah’s land.

  4. Considerably west of Yellowknife is the Nahanni Nat’l Park. If you look at pictures of it, especially the Virginia Falls and the canyons within the park, you will get a feeling that the place offers scenes of the rawest of nature, primeval and unspoiled.


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