Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Announces Resignation – IOTW Report

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Announces Resignation

But who will Canada be stuck with next?

h/t Anymouse

During a press conference, Trudeau stated he plans to step down as prime minister after his party selects a new leader.

14 Comments on Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Announces Resignation

  1. Although I am happy (for the people who live there) when foreign governments take out the trash and elect better leaders, my focus is and always will be “Make America Great Again.”

    Now, if only our troublesome neighbor to the south will follow suit.

  2. If you listen to Trudeau’s statement, he will resign as party leader and as Prime Minister once the labor party can get together to elect a new leader. That won’t be before March which, coincidentally, is when the NDP leader is eligible for a pension and then can vote no confidence without risking losing anything (meaning he knows he won’t be re-elected, either). Señor Trudeau is not resigning until he is bread being put into the toaster at which point he resigns and can claim he never lost an election.

  3. Canada’s fortunes can only get better, for 2 important reasons:

    Turdeau is gone! & Trump is US POTUS!

    Canada’s major exports are energy and materials, and the USA is their largest purchaser.
    The WORST thing that happened to Canada was Shitpants biDumb, even considering useless Justine, because he encouraged/led by the nose that twit PM to go all Globul Warming economically suicidal!


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