Cape Town, South Africa – Get Out Now – IOTW Report

Cape Town, South Africa – Get Out Now

National Assembly adopts motion on land expropriation without compensation.


The National Assembly on Tuesday set in motion a process to amend the Constitution so as to allow for the expropriation of land without compensation.

The motion, brought by the EFF leader Julius Malema, was adopted with a vote of 241 in support, and 83 against.

The only parties who did not support the motion were the DA, Freedom Front Plus, Cope and the ACDP.

The matter will now be referred to the Constitutional Review Committee which must report back to Parliament by August 30.

Opening the debate on his motion, Malema said: “The time for reconciliation is over. Now is the time for justice.”

He said they did not seek revenge on white people, but a restoration of black people’s dignity, which was deeply rooted in the land.

Gugile Nkwinti, who was minister of rural affairs and land reform until Monday evening (now minister of water affairs), said: “The ANC unequivocally supports the principle of land expropriation without compensation.”

“There is no doubt about it, land shall be expropriated without compensation.”

DA MP Thandeka Mbabama said there was an indisputable need to right the wrongs of the past, but expropriation without compensation “cannot be part of the solution”.

‘We want to redress an historic injustice’


ht/ miska simpson

45 Comments on Cape Town, South Africa – Get Out Now

  1. Didn’t Zimbabwe already ‘redress an historic injustice’? (NOTE: For some reason, when the new, Click to Edit – 1 minutes and 28 seconds – thing comes up, I can hear the Double Jeopardy theme. And I’m afraid I’ll edit wrong.

  2. I’ve been following Laura Loomers investigative stuff on South Africa and it’s getting close to white genocide down there. A lot of the South African post on her FB page and are reporting the South African currency is so devalued they can’t afford plane tickets to leave the country. I hope our state department is watching this.

  3. Honkie Farmers and Land Owners: Salt the ground before you, poison it for generations to come. They are going to blame you anyway when they can’t make the farms work.

  4. And once again the whites guys have their head in the sand. One of the guys in our organization is a white guy in South Africa. As recently as 6 weeks ago he was visiting, and in a very self assured manner said there really is nothing to worry about. I’m not so sure.

  5. To think, we are living to see the day where another Genocide will take place and the world ignores it and will do nothing to stop it.

    From an academic point I find it fascinating and illuminating as to how it happened in the 30’s and 40’s. From a human point of view I’d like to see some Dresden type action to bring this excrement to a fiery end.

  6. The whole world is not watching now that Apartheid is not in the news. These are European whites. You would think that European based nations would be eager to accept these people as refugees from tyranny. It’s going to have to get worse than what happened in Rhodesia, before the world takes notice of this Black Disaster. Will the United Nations send peace keepers? Will the Obamas and the Clintons rally the world to help the millions of whites who are trapped in this historical catastrophe? Not very likely. These are oppressed white people, not black Africans.

  7. The whites have few choices. Burn the farm land, spread some anthrax, whatever they have to do and leave. Move to the neighboring countries which actually want white farmers because they pulled the same BS S Africa is doing now and it completely bit them in the ass, hard.
    The whites as a whole aren’t completely white. There are mixed race families there and I can’t imagine a black or white mom’s light skinned child getting harassed or killed because of this. Not only that, blacks are getting attacked by other blacks, just like in chitcago and baltimore. No lives matter in SA. None. If you’ve watched the videos out of SA, you’d know that when the blacks who have already taken land from the white farmers attempt to work land, they gave up and let it spoil. Laziness? Stupidity? Maybe they like robbing, drugging and drinking better? I don’t know. But I’m pretty sure the Chinese or some Russians will be along shortly to take it all away from them. How do I know? Because I’ve seen the Chinese do the same thing in Panama. Chinese people who were sent into Panama decades ago, whose children grew up speaking Spanish and Chinese, but only have Chinese workers and they do not inter-marry with the locals.
    South Africa is screwed. Period.

  8. MJA: I’ve known dozens of white South Africans and Rhodesians. I’ve met them in Australia, the U.K., and here in the States. None of them believe that South Africa can become a successful multiracial country. The only reason South Africa has lasted this long is that it had a more well developed industrial and agricultural economy than the other former colonies in Africa. The place is falling apart at an ever accelerating pace, and it is headed for complete Shithole status in another decade or two. If the whites don’t have anywhere else to go, they will fight to establish a white enclave to keep from being annihilated. These are very tough people.

  9. Marco, I don’t doubt what you’re saying. It’s just mind-boggling to have illiterate and emotionally disturbed morons running practically the entire continent like that. Then it spills into other places, like the “migrant” stampede in Europe right now.

  10. I agree with the commenters above. Salt, poison, and disease the land. Oil, gasoline, herbicides, pesticides. Burn all the buildings. Sever the services; water, electrical, sewage. Put sugar and salt in the farm equipment gas tanks. Piss and shit on the land before you leave. Then walk away with everything you can carry or drive.

  11. When property rights are no longer protected by the government, that society is doomed. Current landowners do not have to salt the earth; those farms will almost without question fail anyway. Societies cannot redistribute land already owned and occupied by someone else and have that system succeed – this has failed time and time again throughout history and in almost every culture.

    Once property rights are destroyed, it is a very small step to abolishing personal rights. Property rights provide a foundation upon which other rights are built, and pulling the rug out from under a basic tenet of successful societies is a recipe for disaster.

  12. This is a bit of propaganda, I am a proud South African and live in this country all my life. I also served in the police for years. Media must get their facts straight and see what the real outcome will be. There has been land transformation going on for years but the it has came a light only certain political individuals got the fruit from it. They are going to be exposed why land was given back but only certain political people got it and own it now for their own people. It is a good thing that is happening now so that they can correct the corruption around this.

  13. Thee’s worse than shithole status coming very soon to Cape Town. They’re going to be completely out of water in three months.

    What are they going to do. You can donate food, but you cant ship in water

  14. JP Muller has swallowed the Kool-Aid.
    Just like those in Venezuela who proclaimed that the justice of socialism will root out the corruption and ensure a paradise for the abused workers.

    What do we see in every single “workers revolution” and “socialist paradise”?

    We see Cambodia and the Khmer Rouge (3 million of their own countrymen killed).

    Venezuela? The entire nation so poor that they sort through garbage looking for something to eat.

    North Korea? Such a nice place, the only growth industry are those who build the concentration camps.

    I am sure that if JP Muller had his possessions apropriated without pay he would see it differently.

    MSG Grumpy

  15. Any white still in South Africa is too fuckin dumb to live.

    “Sow the land with salt; leave not one stone upon another.”

    They’re gonna take your land, probably kill you and your family. Why are you still there? Don’t get trapped between the savages and the Sea.

    Remember the poor old Poles caught between Hitler and Stalin? That is not a desirable place to be.

    izlamo delenda est …

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