Capitalist Pizza Franchise Chooses Communist Logo – IOTW Report

12 Comments on Capitalist Pizza Franchise Chooses Communist Logo

  1. Missing in the article is the “political leanings” of the Pizza Shop owner (it being California, one can reasonably assume Left, but…). The logo is pretty ambiguous, unless you take it literally (which Leftists tend to do), but I can see the satirical take on the original as well (as with the “Che is still dead” t-shirts).

    Power to The Pizza!

  2. They state that their prices may be higher than other chain pizza places. They seem to be hawking small, individual pizzas for around $8.25.
    Closest to socialism/politics is that local groups can fundraiser with them.
    The chain is run by some pretty heavy weight business people.
    Actually it seems like a nice way to lure the little socialist bastards out of mom and dad’s basement and take the cash they would normally be spending on airs oft guns and bandanas.

  3. You get one flavor of pizza. How many flavors does comrade need?
    No. No extra cheese. Everyone is allotted the same amount of cheese.
    Now get to the back of the line.

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