Capitol Hill Rumor- Paul Ryan to Resign, Steve Scalise to be New Speaker – IOTW Report

Capitol Hill Rumor- Paul Ryan to Resign, Steve Scalise to be New Speaker

I read a tweet by Chuck Woolery. Yes, that Chuck Woolery.

Gateway has the story.

28 Comments on Capitol Hill Rumor- Paul Ryan to Resign, Steve Scalise to be New Speaker

  1. I half-remember Ryan, after Trump won the election, saying that he would resign as speaker if Trump wanted him to. Does anyone else remember that, or am I just making things up? Maybe President Trump is taking Ryan up on that statement?!

  2. This story originated from a Nevada News Paper from an interview of Nevada’s 2nd U.S. House District Rep. Mark Amodei, R-Carson City. I don’t think this guy is just pulling this rumor out of thin air. I would expect denials. But I’m hoping it’s happening because Mr. Trump is bringing the wrath of God down on Ryan for his Globalist Fing Bull Shit he just pulled on the Omnibus. I agree with Rush. This was all about getting Trump out of office.

  3. One can only hope because Eddy Munster snookered/made conservatives look the fool.
    Flushing his partner-in-swamp, ‘lil Mitch, wouldn’t break many hearts either ….

  4. rino gonna rino……..

    somethymes change are a good thing……

    i can spell scallise…….

    hi lilly, hi lilly, hi low…..

    lookit!!!! granma’s wheelchair is pushing ryan over the cliff!!!…..WTF, man!!!!!……… got the bong?????

    dah crickets are jimminying…….

    WOULD like……..

    if t’were done, when t’was done, t’were best t’was done quickly……

    out out, damt…spot….or whatever you are……….

    that there’s my streamaconsciousness response….y’all are invited to stream yer own……

    ….”consciousness,” or whatever applies….. 🙂

  5. please please please please pretty please please cherries etc please please please……WHEN?????

    this would be SUCH a seachange……..this would be EPIC!!!

    or else…..scallise is just another one of THEM…..who really knows???

  6. I still wonder if the omnibus bill was presented to PDJT with the intent that he would do what is needed with the funding, but leave turtle and Ryan to look to the globalists and the CoC like they bamboozled PDJT.

    Maybe my name should be Pollyanna. Time will tell what our VSG can do with the cards or plan he has been given.

  7. Reboot

    The new polls are out. DJT’s approval rating holds steady. Despite Never Trump Cruzbots jacking off every time something like this happens. That’s some damn good kool aide. Remember, Cruz is just another bought and paid for Globalist.

  8. Ryan didn’t look to happy when he was in Saudi Arabia touring the new anti-terror site.

    Hopefully they have lots of dirt on Ryan. I suspect he was compromised by the Deep State long ago. Why else would you lose/throw a debate with Joe Biden?

    Good riddance.

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