Captain Gaffin – IOTW Report

Captain Gaffin

Biden Teleprompter FAILS in 3…2…1….

Wait ’til he tells you about his ‘gum control’ plans.

20 Comments on Captain Gaffin

  1. I can’t even LOOK at this asshole.

    I thought it wasn’t possible to hate anyone more than obammayomamma, but I was wrong.

    May God save the republic from these devils!

  2. Every day is Dementia Appreciation Day with Dementia Joey in the White House and the Wilmington Hideout. Nobody appreciates it more than Baracky Osmidgen.

  3. The Pedo goes every weekend to his beach house to get hooked up to his drip bags, while they trot out his doppelganger to ride bikes and collect seashells.

    His body double is way more fit, has way more hair and better teeth.

    It’s like the shrunken stumble bum cadaver is suddenly rejuvenated but like all things Pedo it’s a mirage.

    I do not understand how the Secret Service put up with the grand deception except that they also are now an organ of the cabal.

    I’m sure any real Patriots were purged long ago.

    Sad what a joke our country has become.

  4. He is a complete and Utter fool. This is such a sad time for our country. I hope the Republicans can move as fast as these Demorats did to turn our country around

  5. “The Pedo goes every weekend to his beach house to get hooked up to his drip bags, while they trot out his doppelganger to ride bikes and collect seashells.” -Cisco Kid

    Now that I’ve stopped spitting my coffee out after reading that, you’ve forced me to visualize those drip bags. Two categories: inputs and outputs.

    Inputs: Meds, pudding, ice cream (extruded), probably coffee (which he likes to inject with ice cream), Kool-Aid

    Outputs: urine, feces, excess saliva, occasional barf, nasal lavage

  6. LOLOLOL that’s the dumb-machine we all know and loath. Just as hilarious if not pathetic is the fact that his scriptwriters obviously LIE bold-faced, all seen by the American public who are rolling eyeballs and cursing the Biden Bum for his hostile takeover of the nation while destroying/murdering numerous American lives.

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