Caption Contest – IOTW Report

Caption Contest

Even though I scored big with Delta Burka, it’s not my favorite. That distinction goes to-tfatah

Runners Up:

-Whatever it is, it belongs to the ‘nation of isalami’ – MJA

-Iran’s first nuclear suicide bomber – aleon  (with the follow-up by willysgoatgruff : “Fat woman”…and I can’t even imagine where “Little Boy” is…)

34 Comments on Caption Contest

  1. I finally Googled “delta burka” and it came up with “Delta Burke”, who is apparently someone who used to be on television. Is that what it refers to? I don’t watch a whole lot of commercial TV.

  2. Actually, no. Never saw the show. As I mentioned to Tim, I don’t watch much network television, and especially not sitcoms, which to me are boring. I mostly do stuff like National Geo, NOVA, Smithsonian, American History Channel, any kind of science special or educational show, and movies (I love TCM). And the nightly news, when I can stand it.


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