Is Fiorina Crashing? – IOTW Report

Is Fiorina Crashing?


carly fiorina

19 Comments on Is Fiorina Crashing?

  1. She’s dumped. Rubio is (again) the new hotness with the GOPe. I pass on all that. I’ll stick with “Fuck You You’re Fucking Fired Get You’re Goddam Establishment Ass Outta Here” Trump. That’ll always be the dream.

  2. if she runs our nation like she ran HP into the ground, we’re screwed as bad as we are with our Kenyan Communist Moslem-In-Chief

    I vote based on the content of their character, not on their genitals or the color of their skin

  3. If the alternative was Bob Dole or John McCain or Mitt Romney then yeah maybe I’d be pulling for Carly. But we have Ted freaking Cruz waiting in the wings so please get the heck out of the way Carly Fiorwhatever your name is

  4. When she played the “I’m ugly” card against Trump, that was the end of her. Women need to learn to overlook such improprieties against them when running for office. People are tired of this and that card being played. Sympathy is really waning now in many political circles. Carly should have grown a pair instead of stooping. Trump knows how to play those “Trump” cards. He knows how to take the tricks too.

  5. Trump had it right in his most recent (I think) VA speech in which he said, “OMG! She comes at you with that speech, 90 miles an hour, just like a machine gun! And you’re like, aye! yi! yi!. You can’t take it!”

    She just criticized Trump and Carson in their demands for the next debate, saying “that’s what politicians do.” She knows her record is shot, so now it’s puny attacks.

  6. she peaked when she was ‘new’ and ‘interesting’ like you say a fad. That’s what the GOPe thought would happen to Trump. Just a fad.

    Sorry, JEBBERS, it ain’t a fad. We all are done with the lies and empty promises of professional politicians.

  7. what’s her campaign slogan anyway?

    I’m angry at the world and I have a gash?

    I’m also a bitch but I’m not as shrill has Hill?

    I made servers but didn’t put classified info on them illegally?

    Vote for me, I can memorize complicated stuff and sound stern when reciting it?

    Vote for me, I broke through the glass ceiling then crashed back down through it?

  8. Cruz is the Trump on the inside. Cruz is also hated by both sides of the aisle thus is A-OK.

    Cruz would be the varnished wood, smoking jacket, fine cigar and classic novel by the fire on a GOP dream ticket.

    That, while Trump is the low roar and flashing disco lights with the classy hooker on the vegas strip for the GOP ticket.

    Trump/Cruz 2016 :: Cruz/Trump 2016

  9. She lost as soon as her post-9/11 speech was resurrected (I think by big fur), idolizing yes idolizing the Ottoman Empire. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, look it up. Frightening
    Cruz for POTUS

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