Cathay Bank Releases Reams of Transactions Involving Hunter and James Biden – IOTW Report

Cathay Bank Releases Reams of Transactions Involving Hunter and James Biden

Washington Times

China fired a warning shot at President Biden when a Chinese-American bank supplied Senate Republicans with records showing millions of dollars flowing from Chinese companies to Mr. Biden’s son Hunter Biden and brother James Biden, said a lawmaker spearheading an investigation of the first family.

Cathay Bank, which is based in Los Angeles but has offices in China, voluntarily turned over bank records requested by Sens. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin and Charles E. Grassley of Iowa. Every other American bank denied the two Republicans’ requests for financial records. More

8 Comments on Cathay Bank Releases Reams of Transactions Involving Hunter and James Biden

  1. Little doubt the administration is raking in the money and has enough banked not to worry about any cuts that might happen down the gold brick road in Washington leading out of town.

  2. Fauci will just create a new AIDS strain and a vaccine to go with it.
    Descovy, $2000 for 30 days worth of pills. So $24,000 a year.
    Truvada $2,000 for a one-month supply.

    Biden Administration Orders Insurers To Cover Costs For HIV Prevention Treatment PrEP- July 29, 2021

    So we get to pay for butt breeders.

  3. Remember the “conspiracy theory” a few years ago about what China had on Uncle Joe to blackmail/ control him? The 1st taste is usually just to “remind” the target what they have…..

  4. What’s it going to take for the SHTF for these TRAITOROUS BASTARDS? Clearly the corruption is so vast and deep, and so many participants involved that us poor citizens are left wondering WTF happened to the country we loved!


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