CDC Official Warned Agency Illegals Likely Have TB – IOTW Report

CDC Official Warned Agency Illegals Likely Have TB

Judicial Watch has pried loose an e-mail from the Centers for Disease Control Environmental Health Scientist, Alaric C. Denton, directing members of the agency on how to handle illegals.Illegal-Immigration-Holding-Center2-450x337


Warning that some were young adults the e-mail stated, “we might as well plan on many of the kids having TB” [tuberculosis].


Denton directed that CDC personnel “should be wary of personal safety” and “we need to make sure all our staff are immunized.”



 The materials uncovered by Judicial Watch indicate that other agencies were included in the e-mails.

Screening out immigrants for contagious diseases use to be a standard duty for our immigration officials.  There were hospitals set up on Ellis Inland just for that purpose and the obviously sick coming in off the boats were sent there to recover or be sent back. Not anymore.


5 Comments on CDC Official Warned Agency Illegals Likely Have TB

  1. Likely? More like absolutely.
    This is really scary. TB takes months of continuous antibiotic treatment to fully iradicate. Missing doses allows the mycobateria to mutate and become drug resistant. How are we going to keep these misfits on their medicine regimens? This is why we used to have TB sanitoriums back in the day.

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