Chest, My Foot! – IOTW Report

Chest, My Foot!

In February, 32-year-old Kezia Perkins claimed that 71-year-old Janis Gotz “chest-butted” or “bounced off my big t****s” (depending on source) during a dispute over a handicapped parking space at a Wal-Mart.


Perkins reportedly had an expired handicap placard (and registration) and was trying to park in the handicap spot when Gotz pulled up and snatched it. The confrontation that followed was caught on Wal-Mart CC video.

You can see the assault at the 3:43 mark. Perkins doesn’t seem to know her own chest from her leg.

Perkin’s trial started last week. She faces up to 6 years and $10,000 for breaking Gotz femur and requiring her to undergo hip surgery.

21 Comments on Chest, My Foot!

  1. Perkins blocked Gotz vehicle in, she couldn’t have given her the parking place even if she wanted.

    Watch the end of the video where Perkins takes off out of that parking lot like a shot once bystanders start paying attention to what was going on.

    We need more creative sentencing than 6 years and $10,000. I think kneecapping would be an appropriate punishment.

  2. “You’ll get my handicapped parking space when you pry my cold, dead fingers off of it”.~ any handicapped negro (but I repeat myself) channeling his inner Charlton Heston

  3. That woman will spend months and months in rehab, lose weight, be at risk for decubiti, and will never walk right again; she will likely be confined to a wheelchair or at the least, a walker. And HooHooNay is correct; having worked on an ortho floor for a bit, a lot of these patients simply do not recover.

    That big bully bitch should have BOTH of her femurs broken (if you could get through the fat) and NOT be repaired, and ALL ‘benefits’ revoked for life.

  4. “Ms. Perkins is, herself, disabled, however the fact that her disability is not immediately noticeable led to confusion between the two women.”

    Really? What is her handicap, that she has to use someone else’s placard (expired, at that), and doesn’t have her own?

    I’d like to know if the “lawyer” who is representing Perkins was forced and is spouting boilerplate, or volunteered?
    If volunteered, they should both be hung from the same tree.
    If forced, my sympathies to him/her/it.

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