Chicago Congressman Luis Gutierrez Detained After Refusing to Leave Meeting with Immigration Officials – IOTW Report

Chicago Congressman Luis Gutierrez Detained After Refusing to Leave Meeting with Immigration Officials


Chicago Congressman Luis Gutierrez (D, IL) was detained after refusing to leave a meeting in the Chicago office of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Gutierrez insisted he would not leave until ICE met his demands.

The arrest came after the Representative led a sit-in including illegal aliens who were demanding information on specific cases of deportation.

[…] A spokesman for ICE said that the Chicago office complied to the best of their ability with everything that the Congressman asked for, but eventually he demanded things that the local office could not achieve. It was then that Gutierrez upped his ante and refused to leave the office.


13 Comments on Chicago Congressman Luis Gutierrez Detained After Refusing to Leave Meeting with Immigration Officials

  1. I’m thinking the balless bastards should have insisted he be arrested and booked. Instead he get two minuets in zip ties, and a million dollars worth of free publicity.

  2. Rat-man acting out his rat-ways.
    Give him a piece of cheese and send him back to his rat-warren.

    So, rat-man is representative of illegal-alien-invading-rat-people and NOT the citizens of Chicago? Funny that that fact is lost on his constituency.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Gutierrez is a member of the progressive democrat elite, who are above the law. Any other, everyday “citizen” would been arrested, charged and prosecuted.

    Equal justice is more equal for the leftist minions, whether they’re protesting, rioting, looting, destroying or advocating sedition.
    What did you expect when the Judiciary is made up of partisan, progressive democrat Judges.

  4. Wouldn’t be so great to find that he was an illegal alien?

    He is the Hispanic Sharpton. Absolutelu uses people to stay in the limelight. How many illegals in his household? His employ?

    If the ILLEGALS cared about their families, they should have obeyed the laws of the country they have invaded!

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