Chick-fil-A Put an Obama and Hillary Supporter in Charge, but Dumped Christians – IOTW Report

Chick-fil-A Put an Obama and Hillary Supporter in Charge, but Dumped Christians

FrontPageMag: Chick-fil-A’s announcement that it was dumping the Salvation Army and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, which have come under attack by gay activist groups, caught Christian fans of the fast food chain by surprise. It shouldn’t have if they had been paying attention to CFA’s corporate structure.

The donations were coming out of the Chick-fil-A Foundation. The Executive Director of the CFA Foundation is Rodney D. Bullard, a former White House fellow and Assistant US Attorney. Some may have mistaken him for a conservative because he was a fellow in the Bush Administration, but he was an Obama donor, and, more recently, had donated to Hillary Clinton’s campaign while at Chick-fil-A.

Like many corporations, Chick-fil-A branded its charitable giving as a form of social responsibility. Bullard became its Vice President of Corporate Social Responsibility. Unlike charity, corporate social responsibility is a leftist endeavor to transform corporations into the political arms of radical causes. Like other formerly conservative corporations, Chick-fil-A had made the fundamental error of adopting the language and the infrastructure of its leftist peers. And that made what happened entirely inevitable.

In an interview with Business Insider earlier this year, Bullard emphasized that the Chick-fil-A Foundation had a “higher calling than any political or cultural war.” The foundation boss was preparing the way for the shakeup that was coming in the fall. Even while he claimed that the CFA Foundation had a higher calling than a political or cultural war, he was preparing to accommodate the Left’s cultural war. more

32 Comments on Chick-fil-A Put an Obama and Hillary Supporter in Charge, but Dumped Christians

  1. They are trying to say that they’re just changing things up charity-wise, but when you dump the Salvation Army, you’ve lost me. Chick Fil A is now just another fast food restaurant to me and one I won’t be frequenting. Such a shame and disappointment, especially for those who have supported them through past troubles.

  2. never went to Chik-fil-A for the food, went there because of their ideals

    … as they’ve taken that away & decided to become ‘social warriors’, I don’t see myself going out of my way anymore to get their chicken sandwich just because it has a pickle in it


  3. Say goodbye to Chick-fil-a. Leftist policies are a cancer and anything touched by it will be destroyed. This once conservative, God honoring company has turned away from righteousness.
    Chick-fil-A will go bankrupt and sold to YUM! Brands (or equivalent) in the next few years, if they don’t fire the Schiffless management and get back to their foundational principles.

  4. I would be curious to know how much money CFA usually gave annually to the SA. This might be a blessing in disguise, folks like me will up their game and increase their own individual donations to SA, that amount times the massive number of Christians who denounce this cowardly act of mob appeasement, I bet this year SA rakes in the most money ever. Thanks, CFA, you hoosers.

  5. Tried to send this message to CFA but was unable to do so. I’m not an adept. If anyone else can figure out how to “send” and wishes to do so, please feel free to do so. I’ve deleted our names.

    “We live in Helena, MT. We had planned to drive to Kalispell, just to support your organization and to sample the sandwiches about which we’ve heard so much positive comment. However, given your recent stance of adopting SJW ideology and cutting your charitable support of Christian organizations, we will NOT be frequenting any of your outlets. Nor, for what it is worth will we be choosing Popeyes, having learned they occupy the same “boat” your organization has crawled into. We will not even go to a CFA outlet even if one were to open in our neighborhood. I guess we’ll have to make our own chicken sandwiches…

    Enjoy your virtue signaling – and attacks on what made America great.

    Most sincerely,”

  6. I’m smelling a shareholder takeover. Who knows. Seems the good Christians caved easily. In and Out Burger is probably thanking God daily the Chicken Outfit showed up and took them out of the Limelight. And Trijicons still sneaking in Bible verse references in their serial numbers.

  7. By far Ricky’s best song was GARDEN PARTY! He learned what the leftist/fake Christians at chik did not.

    “..Id rather drive a truck@” actually not good. Some of my former friends are/were truck drivers. Good men!

    but Ricy;s point is good!

  8. There has been trust in CFA’s pro-Christ public communications, so much so that there has been no investigation into what was actually going on that was not publicized. Interesting that no MSM media was talking about the subject UNTIL NOW. Why not? CFA could have been crucified long before now to taunt Christians for their support of the CFA hypocrisy. But just as so many churches claiming to be Christian, but have fallen into apostasy, so has CFA. There are a lot of “filthy lucre” mega-churches that have become pride and money entrapped with their deceived members ardently supporting them. CFA has been seen as a Christ serving ministry in being a morality based business. Even CFA’s individual business locales have had publicized high standards of service and food. The intent now is to ensure those standards are no longer maintained? Obviously the corporate management has changed, which always means a downgrade in quality so profits to investors and CEOs go up.

  9. Actually, I’m tired of businesses, any business, making donations to any cause. They jack up the prices to cover the donation cost and then claim credit for being good corporate citizens. When I donate my money, I want it to be on my terms and to whom I want it to go to and don’t expect to profit from it or use the act as a public relations stunt.

  10. There’s no need to let them know, the effects will be immediate and obvious. No “boycotts” will be necessary either. Many people went out of their way to support CFA for their courage in standing up for Christian values against political enforcers. Whether they deliberately played to that market or not, it’s now forever lost. The golden goose is pushing up daisies.

  11. @Hambone, and onto that point: Screwwww point of sale donations. Ya wanna tack on a dollar for XYZ Cause? No, I don’t. Then they give you that googlie eye look like you don’t GAF. If I wanted to donate, I already did… DIRECTLY…piss offfffff!!

  12. Please, please, please click the link and read the article and not just the comments here!

    Some questions answered like how much to who and has always given tons more to the left. Two snippets below…

    “And that’s the tip of the iceberg. “Diversity”, “equity”, and “social justice” are typical buzzwords associated with many of the organizations that the Chick-fil-A Foundation had been funding.”

    “Accountability doesn’t just begin with restoring donations to worthy charities like the Salvation Army, but a serious reevaluation of the Chick-fil-A Foundation’s leadership and its overall charitable priorities.”

  13. I’m quite sure that Mr. Cathy is rolling in his grave. His beloved restaurant was a haven for fellow Christians. Now? No more. Good riddance to ya Chick-Fil-A. I had never tried you before but I was going to. You couln’t pay me to go now.

  14. Wow.

    Communism didn’t work. What country is this?

    The government is not your daddy. The government is not your mommy.

    Can’t private companies invent vaccines? Did the government invent telephones, cars, and airplanes?

    Does government welfare help Indians and blacks get rich?

    Would businesses that segregate lose customers?

    Did FDR fix the Depression or make it worse? Can recessions fix themselves?

    Did Americans just sit around and wait for FEMA to help them after the 1906 San Francisco earthquake?

    Did people starve in 1776 when there were no food stamps?

    Is the government Santa Claus?

    Instead of talking to people who bother them, educating people, suing people, or just moving away, Americans think the only possible solution to any problem is a decree and force now.

    Instead of loving freedom and allowing others to live as they want, Americans have become busybody control freaks.

    Americans do not realize that if you don’t allow others to do something then they lose the freedom to do it themselves.

    If you forbid others from living in a tiny home then neither can you.

    If you forbid others from owning a dog then neither can you.

    If you forbid others from being a fag then neither can you.

    If you allow others to own a gun then so can you.

    If you allow others to read a Bible then so can you.

    If you allow others to smoke marijuana then so can you.

    If you allow others to work for $1 per hour then so can you.

    Americans falsely think problems can magically be fixed by decrees now. Airlines are regulated, but there are still plane crashes. There are seatbelt laws, but people still die in car accidents.

    Americans think having a piece of paper proves that you are safe. There are medical licenses, but doctors still make mistakes. Business licenses don’t prove that you will get good customer service. Driver licenses don’t prove that you will never have an accident. A degree doesn’t mean that you’re smart. A pardon doesn’t mean that you’ll never murder someone.

    The 1% says we must have pilot licenses, business licenses, driver licenses, and fishing licenses, but no one points out that there was a time when people could fly, run a business, drive, and fish safely without state permission. Documents can be forged and officials can be bribed, too.

    The only way that you can prove if someone can do something is if they can do it.

    Should a stateless person who had stateless parents and was born on a boat in the ocean be jailed forever if they arrive in the USA?

    Instead of lowering wages that cripple the ability of the USA to compete on the world market, Americans think the US should increase the minimum wage and start a trade war by enacting tariffs.

    One problem with ruling by decree is that there are unintended consequences.

    Making everything illegal fills prisons that lead to higher taxes.

    The elites sell every new decree by using the worst case scenario and spin it as a minor temporary law that only affects Muslims, junkies, sex offenders, homosexuals, illegal immigrants, the mentally ill, or blacks. The 1% doesn’t mention that the law will become permanent and more draconian.

    The 1% says the minimum wage must be increased, but no one questions if higher minimum wages will slow the economy or increase prices.

    The ruling class says a wall must be built to stop illegal aliens, but no one thinks that the US used to have open borders. No one wonders if a wall will be used to keep Americans in, not to keep illegal immigrants out.

    The 1% says airbags must be added to cars, but no one mentions that airbags kill people.

    The elites say we must have electronic voting machines, but no one asks if electronic voting machines can be hacked.

    The 1% says companies must have bailouts to prevent a recession, but no one mentions that the economy will recover without bailouts.

    The ruling class says doctors must have licenses, but no one wonders if regulations increase health care costs.

    Our overlords say guns must be banned, but no one points out how will you protect yourself without a gun.

    The globalists say protests must be banned, but no one questions how can people resist tyranny without protesting.

    The ruling powers say newspapers must be shut down to prevent fake news, but no one wonders if the government would tell the truth without a free press.

    The 1% says carrying cash or depositing less than $10,000 in your own bank account must be illegal to prevent drug use, but no one questions how can you live when everything is a crime.

    The elites say drugs must be banned, but no one points out that alcohol prohibition led to more crime.

    The 1% says that we must have a trade war to help the economy, but no one mentions a trade war made the Great Depression worse.

    Our overlords say that we must buy car insurance, but no one wonders how many drivers have a vested interest in crashing their cars.

    The ruling powers says we must have food stamps, but no one mentions that private charities can provide welfare.

    The elites say that the US must close mosques and have TSA groping, CIA torture, kill lists, and NSA wiretapping to stop terrorism, but no one points out that the US has a Bill of Rights.


  15. Told you folks two or three months ago that I saw my first face pierced, sleeve tattooed employee at Chick-fil-A, and that I believed it heralded the beginning of the end for them. Some said I was wrong.

  16. Forcibly Deranged, it’s too bad because the Chick-fil-A just North of Kalispell on the way to Whitefish on Hwy. 93 was such a nice place to stop for lunch. But I don’t go to Kalispell anymore so I don’t have to worry about that. SJW’s have screwed up everything they touch, Chick-fil-A needs to fire the jerk immediately and go back to their founding principles. No Chick-fil-A in Missoula yet.


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