China Rescinds One Child Policy – IOTW Report

China Rescinds One Child Policy

After 35 years of imposing (even forced abortions on) their people to have only one child, the Chinese Communist government will now allow couples to have two children.



The change in policy comes as the bureaucrats are starting to realize all the pressure to depopulate the nation is having significant demographic repercussions. 

 For starters, there are a whole lot more older people than their shrinking work force can support. 


 Then there are all the unmarried men unable to find a wife, because so many women of their generation were aborted so that Chinese parents would have a son to take care of them in their old age.

9 Comments on China Rescinds One Child Policy

  1. …the bureaucrats are starting to realize all the pressure to depopulate the nation is having significant demographic repercussions.

    Wait. You mean a socialist utopia plan is not producing the desired results? How can that be? My libtarded family members swear that socialism works.

    Or maybe it’s just that it’s lofty promises are the “success.” Hmm?

  2. Every society which practiced female infanticide, skewing the male/female ratio by more than 5 points was warlike and always preyed on their neighbors. Te Spartans, the Mongol tribes, the Hunnic tribes, etc. See a pattern?

    The Chi-Coms have skewed that ratio by some estimates upwards of 10 points!

    And we wonder why they are growing bellicose. Russia may be in for a rude awakening. Also, Taiwan, where the male/femal ratio is normal.

  3. Maybe we could send ’em some of our surplus, government-dependent, “unmarried female population”. And illegals, too.

    Don’t want to live in Honduras? Come to Xiang Xin, where you will be truly the queen of the house.

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