Chipotle Presents the Liberal Creed – IOTW Report

Chipotle Presents the Liberal Creed


We already knew the folks running Chipotle are barking moonbats, so ideologically deranged that they have claimed conspicuously nonexistent global warming will prevent them from serving guacamole. But this is over the top:




41 Comments on Chipotle Presents the Liberal Creed

  1. Too stupid to realize this bit…..”everyone eats free, no one must work…..”

    Well if nobody is working, where is all the food going to come from? Nobody to grow it or catch it, nobody to process it, nobody to package it, nobody to ship it, nobody to stock it, nobody to sell it.

    There’s Liberal Utopia in a nutshell. By the time they realize that nobody is working and there are no magical elves to bring them food, they will have already starved to death.

    Unless of course they are thinking of the “Eloi” from the 1960 movie The Time Machine. In that case they won’t starve to death, they’ll just be fattened up for the Morlocks to chow down on.

  2. I need to get my hands on a unch of those stupid bags.
    Then go to a local – well, not *TOO* local – Shit Pot whith a bunch of friends,
    holding the bags high in the air DEMANDING FREE FOOD!

  3. Here’s an eight-bagger for ya, Chitople…

    “I’d like to build a world a home
    and furnish it with love.
    Grow apple trees and honey bees
    and snow white turtle doves.

    I’d like to teach the world to sing
    in perfect harmony.
    I’d like to hold it in my arms,
    and keep it company

    I’d like to see the world for once
    all standing hand in hand.
    And hear them echo through the hills
    for peace throughout the land.

    It’s the real thing
    what the world wants today,
    That’s the way it’ll stay
    with the real thing.

    I’d like to teach the world to sing
    in perfect harmony.
    A song of peace that echoes on
    and never goes away.

    Put your hand in my hand
    let’s begin today,
    With your hand in my hand
    help me find a way.

    I’d like to see the world for once
    all standing hand in hand.
    And hear them echo through the hills
    for peace throughout the land.

    I’d like to teach the world to sing,
    in perfect harmony.
    A song of peace that echos on,
    and never goes away.”

  4. We once had free food and love, but berries have only so much nutrition. Men began working for their food and called it hunting. Liberals are still pissed about it.

  5. “Chipotle’s animated shorts, which feature a cartoon farmer fighting pushing back against industrialized farming, has millions of YouTube views.”

    Oh, really? Is their next ad going to feature a consumer fighting back against industrialized food service?

    “Restaurant analyst Anderson said a wage increase to the $10 to $12 level would likely start to have a ripple effect on Chipotle’s business. Over time, Chipotle may consider self-service kiosks to offset labor costs, he said.”

    Here’s an idea for cutting costs: Stop spending money printing tripe on your bags…tripe you probably have to pay fees to use, because Toni Morrison ain’t gonna give it away.

  6. Never been to a Chipotle. Thanks for crossing it off my list.

    Q: If everyone is sitting around ‘feeling love’, and no one is working, is it at all reasonable to expect that place to pass a health inspection ??

  7. I showed that to my wife. Her reaction?

    “I haven’t eaten a Chipotle in ten years…and I think it’ll be ten more years at least before I eat there again.”

    And this is the woman who thinks I’m too political. 🙂

  8. Chipotle and many other consumer oriented brands are undergoing price hikes for the first time in about 3 years. They point to higher prices that need to be passed on to the consumer. This is very different than increased demand for products. We are all going to undergo higher prices in the coming year and it’s not because we actually want these products; it’s because they think we want them.

    I read somewhere the best diet is the diet you make for yourself. You can eat anything you want, just make it yourself. Like potato chips, french fries, and fancy pant desserts, you probably won’t make them for yourself but once a year.

  9. didn’t the late Pete seger have a song about ” big rock candy mountain” about serving time in jail in utopia? Chipotle should play that over and over in their stores since their nutty ideals are about as realistic

  10. The libs can fantasize all they want about a star trek / communist utopia where no-one works and everything is free.

    They can sit in their academic classrooms and theorize and postulate and dream and whine.

    I don’t care.

    The problem is when those academics try to put those fantasies into practice, unfortunately that’s when people suffer and die.

    For reference see Soviet Union, China and – unfortunately – 0bama.

    The academics are running the place now and they are so out of touch with reality they are blind to the consequences. They believe that it will be better some day and maybe THIS time their plans will work.

  11. “Everyone eats free, no one must work, all just sit around feeling love for one another.” Sounds like present day Detroit. Except for that “feeling love” thing.

  12. So when can we expect to eat at Chipotle for free? Or will they expect you to pay for their meals? We know the answer to that one.

    The only ones who can get away with not having to work are children. Work keeps at bay the three great evils of boredom, want (poverty) and vice.

    Chipotle is another fast food place that I have crossed off my list of places I will eat at. Buger King is on that list too.

    As for sitting around and feeling the love; it does NOT pay the bills. Sound very boring as well.

  13. Forbes has these same bullshit sayings now. If you link to an article, it sticks you into a queue ad with some commie quote. I saw a Che Guevara one once.

    In Forbes.

    Communism is like Jurassic Park. They think it is all feel goody, each according to their ability and means garbage, but if you pull a real one out of the amber it is only a matter of time before you are running for your life through the ruins of your once great civilization.

  14. Upon reflection, this is the most disgusting thing I’ve ever read.

    It’s not the “all is well” part. We’d all like it if all were well, and it gives me a little chuckle at the Animal House flashback.

    And I have nothing against love. Love is good.

    It’s the “…no one must work, all just sit around…” that makes me nauseous.

    Yep, let’s not work. Let’s not aspire to anything, achieve anything, do anything. Let’s not set goals and achieve them. Let’s not strive to better ourselves, our lives and our world. Let’s just sit around.

    Anyone who isn’t at least bothered by that, has given up what makes them human. 🙁

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