Chris Cuomo was in ‘full-blown drag race’ before car crash – IOTW Report

Chris Cuomo was in ‘full-blown drag race’ before car crash

PageSix: CNN anchor Chris Cuomo crashed his beloved 1969 Ford Thunderbird convertible in Southampton recently when, sources said, he was drag racing the hot rod.

But a friend of the anchor insisted Cuomo never actually raced the car and was just goofing around for photos before he clumsily cracked his radiator by hitting a parked German import.

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13 Comments on Chris Cuomo was in ‘full-blown drag race’ before car crash

  1. @Jerry: Thanks for admitting you accidentally gave Thirdtwin a thumbs down. I’ve done it before and gave myself a tongue lashing for it. I gave Thirdtwin a thumbs up. 🙂

    That 69 Thunderbird is not only a gas guzzler, but a big polluter. Triple charge that liberal for his carbon footprint. Another one of those who says “don’t do as I do, do as I say.”

  2. OK. Let’s set the record straight; in no way, shape, or form is a ’69 T-Bird a “hot rod” it technically wasn’t even a muscle car. It was, and still is an overweight, ugly slug of a car that when new was only owned by old men with comb-overs and homosexuals. And this schmuck was drag racing it? Puleeeeze!

  3. Misleading Headline Alert…

    Two fools racing side by side down the street are conducting a street race NOT a drag race. Clowns that partake in this illegal form of motorsports do not in any way represent the millions who compete regularly on the nations drag strips every weekend.

    Being a former drag race journalist myself, I’ve sent countless rebuttals to both newspapers and TV stations regarding this mistake and have actually received an apology or two.

    We even had one local TV station come out to the track and do a report on real drag racing as a result of the out pouring of protest involving a fatal accident caused by two ‘drag racers’ on the local Interstate.

    Two drunks racing on the street IS NOT drag racing!!


  4. A firebird? Maybe the bird was embarrassed by its owner and went all “kit” and decided to self destruct?

    BTW, if you want to see a real drag car crash, watch jay leno and the Hemi Under Glass rollover.

  5. Had a girlfriend with that exact same car, chick car, men drove MOPAR in ’69.
    Don’t even bring up Burt, he’s a little too girlie for me.
    Loni Anderson and Sally Field, two sides to that coin.

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