Chrysler worker silences Michael Moore: ‘Trump done more for me than any Dem’ – IOTW Report

Chrysler worker silences Michael Moore: ‘Trump done more for me than any Dem’

American Mirror: Liberal gasbag Michael Moore met his match this week when an auto worker from Michigan told him Donald Trump has done more for him than any Democrat in his lifetime.

Moore and a Chrysler worker, who was not identified, clashed over the premise that Trump is going to hurt “working people.”

Appearing on CNN’s “The Messy Truth with Van Jones,” Moore said, “I don’t think he’s going to take care of you, the working person,” pointing his finger at him.

“He’s done more for me than any Democrat’s done in my lifetime,” the man replied.

“He hasn’t done anything for you yet!” Moore interrupted.

“He raised the issue,” the worker replied, as Moore repeated it back to him with contempt.

The worker, who said he is from Macomb County — home of the so-called Reagan-turned-Trump Democrats — said, “I can tell you this, no other politician in my lifetime has ever brought this issue to the forefront.

“The fact of the matter is, we do get screwed on trade and they tell these companies to be more global, well, when you add $9,000 to the price of Jeep when it goes to Germany, I’m frankly amazed they can sell any of them over there, let alone a few of them.”

Except for saying “yep” once, Moore was silenced by the truth.  Watch it here

13 Comments on Chrysler worker silences Michael Moore: ‘Trump done more for me than any Dem’

  1. ““He hasn’t done anything for you yet!” Moore interrupted.”

    Yet the way these Leftist Assholes act you’d think Trump is responsible for everything!

    Once again, for the past eight years Obama’s in charge of everything responsible for nothing!
    Trump is President elect for a month and look at the screaming!

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