Democrats Reject Legislative Fix To Stop Family Separations.
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) rejected a GOP legislative proposal on Tuesday that would fix the border separation issue that has consumed the national news cycle over the last week.
“There are so many obstacles to legislation and when the president can do it with his own pen, it makes no sense,” Schumer said, according to The Hill. “Legislation is not the way to go here when it’s so easy for the president to sign it.”
“How many times has immigration legislation passed in this Congress? How many times?” Schumer continued. “Zero. It’s an excuse from our Republican colleagues who feel the heat, don’t want to attack the president, even though they know, they know legislation will take a very long time and is unlikely to happen, and the flick of a president’s pen could solve this tomorrow.”
But that wouldn’t be a permanent legislative fix. Why accept a “flick of the pen” that could be undone by another president, rather than a law passed by congress?
Why? Because it’s getting a lot of play and Lefty faux outrage and Schumer wants to milk this into the mid-terms.
“Keep the focus on Trump.”
You run with that, Schmuckles. If there’s one thing Trump hates, it’s having the focus on him.
Chucky, you lazy fool. You are in this mess because of your own inaction
Mr. Trump is still running circles around them.
He’s doing exactly what we hired him to do.
Those dickweeds in congress want to loll around and make speeches about lofty crap and organize themselves for election time. Mr. Trump is making them lie in their own beds, until they decide to get off their asses and finally do what they were hired to do.
Schmuckles doesn’t want a solution … he wants an ‘issue’
Ummmmm. How about we simply ENFORCE current law?…… I know….
“Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell
A flick of the pen…Lens Lice??
You mean you want this POTUS to rule like the last one? Chuckie Cheesy?
But this POTUS does not use a phone…he uses Twitter.
Hammer away DJTPOTUS.
Trump should win this one. All he needs to say is that the Democrat packed Federal Courts have told him he’s not in charge of immigration policies and his EOs can be vetoed by the Left wing Democrat judges. Thus, take an hour off your slobbering and pass a bill the judges will have to honor.
Congress has a long track record of allowing the Executive or the Judicial branches to fulfill Congressional responsibilities they have willingly abdicated.
Congress is gutless when faced with real divisive issues, particularly prior to elections.
I guess all the recent phony outrage about parent/children separation is because it’s always easy to incorporate it to push hating Trump. With all the “reality TV” for more than 30 years that has documented domestic violence where both parents have been arrested and have their children turned over to the CPS and foster home programs, which they fund and support, is A OK. Also, all past presidents and formal first wives that had no problem with separating children from their parents speak their outrage now only because it’s Trump. Just like their husbands, who ignored it and they supported than is important now. Just shows politicians are politicians. The infantile decisiveness of politicians. The US government has always been and is the LARGEST corporation in the world that has always employed, by voters, (unless rigged, just think about it) their representatives. Dem/Rep, left/right, prog/con, are just the smoke shield pissing match of petty self pocket lining trash elected children. Now that it is being treated as the business it is, they are scared. BTW, Smuck Tumor where did you leave your blame for this before? Trump has has nothing to do with the “Laws” you made and supported for 30 years!
Phucking liberals get way too much air time.
Schemer wants Trump to flick his pen so he can moan about Trump being a dictater.
One of the great joys of leaving New York was knowing I’d see far less media coverage of this sickening schmuck.
I’ve made this comment before and things haven’t changed—
What is a conservative to do in November? I sure as shit will not vote Dem. Likewise I sure as shit don’t want to vote Repub. Senator Portman and senator-wannabe-Rinacci are out in front of the mics blabbing about this human tragedy and it has to be fixed.
And as always the Repubs join the dems to cobble together some crappy bill and the dems pull a Lucy football move and the dimwit Repubs are left looking foolish but they don’t seem to know it. God, it’s so frustrating!
I just watched that sleezy POS congressman Swalwell from Commifornia on FOX beat the very same drum. I have yet to see one elected democRAT in this modern era that isn’t a total scum sucking maggot that would lie at the drop of a hat.