Chuck Todd To Fiorina: “Your claim is not exactly what was on the PP tape, so that means the practice of harvesting organs from intact alive fetuses doesn’t exist” – IOTW Report

Chuck Todd To Fiorina: “Your claim is not exactly what was on the PP tape, so that means the practice of harvesting organs from intact alive fetuses doesn’t exist”

What do you expect from leftists? Their positions are so indefensible they have to get pedantic and stick to arguing nonsense in order to obfuscate the bigger picture.

Planned Parenthood does harvest organs from aborted babies and, according to an employee on the undercover video, they relish the opportunity to harvest a brain from a live baby because it yields the best results.

The left anchors their jaw on the ankle of “the video didn’t show footage of a baby that had it’s brain harvested, that was stock footage!!!!”

Who cares???? Does the harvesting of brains from live babies happen or not? THAT is the F*CKING ISSUE!!!

This reminds me of when the left kept incessantly arguing that Joe the Plumber wasn’t a plumber, as if that erased the fact that Obama said “we’re going to spread the wealth.”

They really, really are asking for kicks to the esophagus. They are that friggin’ infuriating in their abject idiocy.


11 Comments on Chuck Todd To Fiorina: “Your claim is not exactly what was on the PP tape, so that means the practice of harvesting organs from intact alive fetuses doesn’t exist”

  1. The “clubber the other guy with the only thing you’ve got” always plays to the most brain dead leftist. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gone round and round trying to get them to see the bigger picture, yet all they want to do is celebrate the one fact they get right.

    It seems to play to their need to always be right even when they are utterly bankrupt in defending the most horrific policies. You never see a lefty admit, “I was wrong, you are correct” or “perhaps I should modify my position on that” or “thanks for setting me straight on that”. No it’s a life or death argument for them.

    If they sense they are losing one argument they always try to slither to another unrelated argument. Then of course the moderators on the lefty dominant website kicks you off for politely pointing out their true nature or the consequences of implementing their policies. There are times I’m actually relieved I’m kicked off those comment sections rather than go another round of misdirection theater with a bunch of leftist idiots.

  2. Sorry CF fans. She did/said that on purpose. She is a deceiver. Her statement gave cover and deniability to the death squad cheerleaders.

    IMHO, she is not any more pro-life than Hillary. CF knows what to say to deceive and finesse some conservatives – you know,
    -the ones who are too busy trying to provide for their families and interact with their children’s interest,
    -the ones who are struggling to help their children pass Communist Core (CC) math tests
    =and debunk the brainwashing going on in the reading and social studies realm of CC \
    to follow all the minutia of the lying left’s strategy.

    She is also a spoiler and in bed with Jebby’s crowd of lefty GOPe. I could not vote for her anymore than I could vote for Jebby. IMHO Cruz isn’t so hot either anymore. Cruz PAC gave to CF PAC. Yea, yea, I know the beneficiaries of the PACs don’t have any say. But I can say B.S.

  3. That’s Chucky, just doing his job.

    Not only is he ignoring the big picture r/t PP, he really propped up fioRINO during this interview. Interruptions were few, he allowed her to drone on and on about her “accomplishments”. Not a mention of her being pro amnesty, pro climate change, pro Common Core, and that’s just a start. Chucky’s following the program to bring down Trump’s numbers.

    Fio can get all the surgery she wants, but I agree with Trump: Can’t stand looking at her. She still looks like a secretary. Scratch that. She doesn’t look presidential.

  4. Some woman called in last week to a talk show and said that after Fiorina fired 200,000 people at HP, she went out and spent $40,000 on a new wardrobe for herself. The woman was promptly cut off and heard from no more.

  5. When democrats were prohibited from selling developed humans they settled for selling off parts of developing humans. Now they’re pissed because we want to take that away from them, too.

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