Claim: Severe droughts could lead to widespread losses of butterflies by 2050 – IOTW Report

Claim: Severe droughts could lead to widespread losses of butterflies by 2050

butterfly silver studded blue

WUWT– From the CENTRE FOR ECOLOGY & HYDROLOGY and the Edith’s Checkerspot Club comes this tale of possible bug disaster we’ve all heard before. Except, Nature often finds a way, and scientific claims of extinction sometimes end up being proven wrong by nature itself.

Widespread drought-sensitive butterfly population extinctions could occur in the UK as early as 2050 according to a new study published today in the scientific journal Nature Climate Change.

However, the authors conclude that substantial greenhouse gas emission reductions combined with better management of landscapes, in particular reducing habitat fragmentation, will greatly improve the chances of drought-sensitive butterflies flying until at least 2100.  MORE

11 Comments on Claim: Severe droughts could lead to widespread losses of butterflies by 2050

  1. Oh no, oh no, oh no! What are we gonna do?

    * runs around in circles *

    We gotta save the butterflies! Pass a law! EPA, forget about the damn yellow river of toxic waste – declare a new regulation!


    The preceding was brought to you by the clueless environweenies.

  2. combined with better management of landscapes

    sounds like another opening for barry to start another government department and load it up with dem voting employees

  3. Question: How did the butterflies survive all of the other millions of droughts throughout their entire time on this planet?

    You know, for all of the millions of times there weren’t anti-science know-nothing libtards to spend other people’s money on saving the butterflies?

  4. Have you ever noticed it’s always 2050 or the end of the century? It’s never close enough so someone can say, “Hey dipshits! The year you claimed all of the butterflies would be extinct has come and gone. So what happened, retard?”

    It’s always so far removed from today that by the time 2050 comes around, the butterfly extinction will be a distant memory because it will never have happened and the ‘tards knew that all along.

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