Claim: Tanning devices cost US healthcare $343 million a year – IOTW Report

Claim: Tanning devices cost US healthcare $343 million a year


Check out our 10 myths on tanning.

The media release is below.

The impact of tanning (and tanning salons) on skin cancer rates is subject to debate.


  1. Myth: Tanning is just not worth the risk
  2. Myth: There is no safe exposure to UV radiation
  3. Myth: UV radiation causes melanoma
  4. Myth: The World Health Organization has determined that indoor tanning increases the risk of melanoma
  5. Myth: There is an epidemic of melanoma
  6. Myth: Melanoma is epidemic among young women
  7. Myth: Melanoma is epidemic among teenage girls
  8. Myth: Tanning beds are more dangerous than the sun
  9. Myth: Indoor tanning increases the risk of melanoma by 75%
  10. Myth: All studies show that indoor tanning increases the risk of melanoma
  11. Myth: Tanning provides no health benefits.


Tanning devices cost US healthcare $343 million a year
New study says indoor tanning-related skin cancers contribute significantly to early deaths


Tanning devices cost the US $343.1 million a year in medical costs because of the skin cancers their use is associated with, according to a new study published in the Journal of Cancer Policy. In a new study, Dr. Hugh Waters and his colleagues from the University of North Carolina established how prevalent indoor tanning-related skin cancers are in the US, and calculated the costs of these diseases.

They estimate that in 2015 there were 263,600 cases of skin cancer that could be attributed to indoor tanning. These cases cost US $343.1 million in medical costs in 2015, and cause a total economic loss of $127 billion over the lifetime of the people affected. The authors conclude that effective policies and strategies are needed to reduce the use of tanning devices, in order to mitigate their significant health and financial impacts… more

14 Comments on Claim: Tanning devices cost US healthcare $343 million a year

  1. Why do I suspect this is just another useless “study” with a predetermined outcome funded by our tax dollars? I noticed that they ESTIMATED how many cases of skin cancer MIGHT have been caused by tanning beds. The link in the article notes a lot of misinformation that has been put forth about tanning beds and cancer and this seems like more to add to the pile.

    I also noticed that they didn’t address any potential health benefits from tanning beds like enabling the body to produce vitamin D (like sunlight does). Some of the latest research shows that vitamin D is more effective than the flu vaccines for preventing influenza and it also appears to be effective at preventing certain types of cancer or recurrence of cancer (breast cancer in particular).

    And I even noticed that our little cutie’s face is even tan in this “colorized” photo LOL. Great job again MJA.

  2. I have been a sun worshipper for 71 years. Have gotten three memorable sunburns, two of those in the tropics. Never worried about skin cancer, don’t have to take D, and believe that all the SP crap will someday be found to CAUSE skin cancer. I’m p-o that one can’t purchase makeup without the SP crap in it.

  3. Plain Jane – ME TOO! They load that crap into everything, don’t they?
    I’m naturally tanned but I have sensitive skin so I’m forced to either walk around with a giant hat or a parasol. I’m allergic to the Sun. lol. I use EV olive oil as a moisturizer. *sizzle*
    Every sun block makes me break out into welts except one that I got a sample of which is Rx and 30 bucks per bottle. Screw that! I think Badger makes the same thing without all the nastiness, too.
    I will try that one instead. But yeah, good luck finding cosmetics without SPF nowadays.

  4. Ladies – I am lucky that I don’t have to wear any makeup (a natural beauty I guess), but I did a quick search and there appears to be some out there now without the SPF additives (I googled “makeup without spf”). Of course I know nothing about this stuff but thought it might give you a place to look for it. Some of it was around $10 too.

    Not long after I married, my ex asked me to drop by Macy’s to pick up a couple of items of makeup for her (since I was going to be within about 30 fookin’ miles of the mall). She wrote down exactly what I was to get and said it wouldn’t cost much. Riiiiight …. about 120 freakin’ dollars later I staggered into the house with her 2 tiny containers of Clinique crap. It took me years to recover from the shock.

  5. “They ‘estimate’ that in 2015 there were 263,600 cases of skin cancer ‘that could be attributed’ to indoor tanning.”

    so let’s go and create a bunch of regulations or laws over an educated guess or “estimate” ?

    we have major corruption and graft going on in our “too big” to succeed government so we need to make it bigger with more of the same crap that got us here in the first place ?

    do you think we citizens will ever put that shovel we are digging our hole with down ?

    i’d rather find out just what happened to the 6 billion dollars missing from the state department during clinton’s watch !!!!

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