Clinton Machine Fighting Dirty For DNC Chair – IOTW Report

Clinton Machine Fighting Dirty For DNC Chair


The battle for who will shape the direction of the Democrat party for years to come is down to Keith Ellison and Tom Perez for DNC Chair.  The Hill  gives the edge to the unsavory Keith Ellison (D-MN).  Former Secretary of Labor, Tom Perez is backed by the Clinton machine and they are all too use every underhanded trick they can make sure their man gets the chair.


Whoever wins, the choice between these two means the Democrats will remain a race obsessed, voter alienating mess.





21 Comments on Clinton Machine Fighting Dirty For DNC Chair

  1. Let’s see,

    1) Both racialists? Check

    2. Both anti-freedom tyrants? Check

    3. Both big govt. socialists? Check

    Both are equally qualified…… insure 60 GOP Senators next election.

  2. The “more” button sends you directly to CTH. I dont know who Sundance is but he has had a read on this election from beginning of the primary to next tuesday. I’ve gotten to the point where i dont doubt anything said by him.

    He (or she) is worth a lot more than we pay him (or her)

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