Close Calls! – IOTW Report

Close Calls!

Close Calls & Near Misses Compilation | FailArmy 2016

8 Comments on Close Calls!

  1. That was good!
    Dash cams are going for around $15 on amazon. I’m gonna buy one if I am forced to move to Russia in order to escape Hillary Communism.

  2. Whenever I watch these and it gets to a part where the person needs medical help I think “we are paying for this persons “stupidity bills, no wonder it’s a billion dollar a year industry”.

  3. For us old guys who enjoy close calls and physical humor this needs to be followed by a compilation of classic shorts from the Keystone Cops, Harold Lloyd and especially Buster Keaton in Steamboat Bill Jr. and boy I’m glad I don’t drive in Australia, deer are bad enough but a kangaroo jumping in front of me would be just as bad or worse.

  4. Some remind me of the days I was young, dumb and immortal.
    Very happy there were no cameras and most folks I participated with are dead.
    Kinda Like Bill and Hillary …. without the $Billions, secret service and the legal protection of the FBI and DOJ.

  5. Unruly refugee

    You should buy one anyway. I feel naked if I find I have been driving without it recording.

    I was run into twice from behind in the last 3 years. Slam dunk, hands down, no argument, no he-said she-said, no “we’re not really sure what happened so we’re putting you at 50% responsible”. No – both times it was a quick %100 payment/repair for damages.

    Get one. Get used to having it on. And yeah, some weird sh*t gets recorded once in a while. I have an entertaining collection of them I have in a folder named “Sh*t I See While Driving”.

    One caveat – it records your driving too.

    Mine are dual camera ones – 2x tele and 120 degree wide angle. You can swivel each to point however you like. Good for recording what happens to your car while, parked too.

  6. Dadof4, I think I’ll take your advise. Thanks.

    The day before yesterday I was turning off the main highway onto the county road that leads to my homestead and there was a woman waiting to enter the main highway from that road. The dingbat had her car right in the middle of the road, leaving me no room to pass. And this is at the top of a hill where cars are traveling at 60 MPH and cannot see over the top of the hill; there have been 3 or 4 deaths right at that intersection and many more accidents.
    So anyway, I attempt to turn onto the road and maybe squeeze around the inconsiderate dumbass (who must have recently moved here from Californy), but there is a deep ditch there on my right that I can’t pass.
    So I start to back up (a very dangerous move with the blocked vision of oncoming drivers) having no other choice.
    Then I see a car hauling ass behind me and have to pull forward just before nearly being hit and possibly killed.
    Then the woman finally figures out that she is right in the fck’n way and she backs up.
    I don’t know who she is, but she knows what my middle finger looks like now.

    This is the unit I was looking at:

    Price has gone up a buck or so since last time I checked.

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