CNN Dunce, Chris Cuomo, Tweets Out Insipid Thought – IOTW Report

CNN Dunce, Chris Cuomo, Tweets Out Insipid Thought

So the left-wing media is now comparing #Antifa to the Greatest Generation????

Here’s the counterpunch to Chrissy’s analogy-

9 Comments on CNN Dunce, Chris Cuomo, Tweets Out Insipid Thought

  1. Chris Homo hates the generation depicted in that WW2 photo, thier values, and all they believed they were fighting for. Most of them, if they were still alive, would hate him too. They hated his father.

    Remember, this is coming froma faggot that wore his Guyaberra shirt in Cuba when Odinga visted Castro and was orgasiming about the great things Fidel had done for Cuba. He also cried when Castro died.

    He doesn’t like people that truly fight fascists… lets get that straight.

  2. After months of pretending Antifa didn’t exist because it didn’t advance their narrative, suddenly these guys are trying to sanitize them into something noble and good.

    But don’t worry. They’re not propaganda.

  3. The left wing media is fueling the hate just like they did with ferguson, baltimore, oakland, berkely etc. This EVIL propaganda empire needs to be destroyed before it destroys America.

  4. It doesn’t matter whether you want to call them anarchists, fascists, anti-fascists, or fuzzy pink bunny slipper wearers. What they represent is totalitarianism.

    Totalitarians don’t want everybody to act the way the totalitarians want them to act. They want everybody to think the way totalitarians want them to think.

    Totalitarians come in several varieties superficially distinct from each other. But they all have the fundamental goal of having everybody left alive believing what they believe.

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