CNN settles Nick Sandmann defamation lawsuit in Covington Catholic High School controversy – IOTW Report

CNN settles Nick Sandmann defamation lawsuit in Covington Catholic High School controversy


CNN on Tuesday settled a defamation lawsuit filed by Covington Catholic High School student Nick Sandmann over its botched coverage of a viral confrontation with a Native American elder that had portrayed the Kentucky teen as the aggressor.

Fox 19 first reported that CNN settled with Sandmann for an undisclosed amount. The $250 million defamation suit sought damages for the “emotional distress Nicholas and his family suffered” in the fallout of the network’s reporting.

A lawyer for Sandmann declined to comment on the settlement but confirmed to Fox News that lawsuits against The Washington Post and NBC were ongoing. Fox 19 also reported that Sandmann attorney L. Lin Wood told the judge they planned to sue media company Gannett within 60 days. Gannett did not immediately comment either.

Last March, Sandmann’s attorneys launched their suit against CNN for its coverage of the incident before all the facts had surfaced. The teen was seeking a whopping $800 million in damages between the three news outlets.


22 Comments on CNN settles Nick Sandmann defamation lawsuit in Covington Catholic High School controversy

  1. Sue their ass into oblivion! Irresponsible and outright false and misleading reporting can no longer be tolerated. The media is a partner, if not gang leader, in the crime of destroying this country. We’ll see how much financial pain George Soros, Jeff Beazos, and the shareholders of the other publicly traded media outlets can tolerate.

  2. I hope this includes a public apology run in the same manner that they defamed him with on top of the hour during every broadcast for one week minimum and an admission of wrongdoing.

  3. Nick Sandmann plans to use the money to attend a small private college in Connecticut. Which he purchased, thereby making it extremely unlikely that he will ever flunk out. Oh, and that grumpy Indian fellow? He’s out on his ass, along with the faculty of the entire womens’ and minorities studies departments.

  4. @ joe6pak JANUARY 7, 2020 AT 5:41 PM

    That horse left the barn the second they retained L Lin Wood to represent their interests

    This frees them up to go after the others:

    Lawyers Representing Covington Catholic High School Student Nick Sandmann Send Letters to Over 50 Personalities and Organizations – Lawsuits a Possibility

  5. This should take any financial pressure off of the family which will allow Wood to slowly tighten the noose around the neck of the rest of the guilty. This likely takes the impetus to settle with anyone else off the table giving Wood no incentive to recommend settling the rest of the cases for anything substantially less than the demand.

  6. Good news.

    I would buy the house right next door to Zucker, owner of CNN.

    Then I would buy the house next to his other property(s)…

    Then I’d buy very expensive speakers or maybe a nice Marshall amp, BLAST ‘Ride of the Valkyries’


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