CNN’s Jake Tapper: ‘This is not a blue wave’ – IOTW Report

CNN’s Jake Tapper: ‘This is not a blue wave’

WaExaminer: CNN anchor Jake Tapper said the results coming in Tuesday evening on Election Day did not indicate the anticipated “blue wave” by Democrats.

“It is entirely possible that the Democrats will regain control of the House today, but I have to say, when you look at what’s going on here tonight, this is not a blue wave,” he said on air. “This is not a wave that is knocking out all sorts of Republican incumbents.”

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5 Comments on CNN’s Jake Tapper: ‘This is not a blue wave’

  1. So I’m reading several places that faggot Chris Stirewalt called the house for Fox News freaken way early, and all the rest of the networks followed suit. I really don’t like that guy.

  2. Fox News is a waste of time, even Fox Business is no damn good. Where was Lou Dobbs tonight? Oh yeah, he is a little to conservative for today’s Fox News. I don’t watch anything anymore.


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