CO: mother fights off mountain lion that attacked 5-year-old son – IOTW Report

CO: mother fights off mountain lion that attacked 5-year-old son

FOX: Authorities in Colorado said a mother fought off a mountain lion that attacked her 5-year-old son Friday night.

The Pitkin County Sheriff’s Office told The Denver Channel that the boy had been playing outside around 8 p.m. when the mountain lion attacked.

The sheriff’s office said the boy’s mother ran outside when she heard screaming and removed her son from the animal.

The boy’s face, head, and neck been injured. Authorities said the boy was transported to a Denver hospital in fair condition.  MORE

8 Comments on CO: mother fights off mountain lion that attacked 5-year-old son

  1. cougars are very stealthy

    i had a close call while trying to keep my 7 and 5 year olds together on a hike in cuyamaca ca

    my oldest ran ahead while the younger straggled behind

    my youngest was stalked by a large tom, evident from the large lion prints that were clear on the wet trail seen on the way out that were not there 15 min earlier

    take the signs seriously, the ones that warn about mountain lions and discourage hikes with young children

    stupid me, close call

  2. Another example of mis management by the Feds. Those cats now think we are part of the food chain because we don’t hunt them anymore. They are way over populated and food is short.

  3. Get a gun learn how to use it. Open carry at home.
    I live in the country and have to always open carry. There are big cats
    and bears and city folk who can’t understand how I could own all this land.
    500 acres.

  4. If you’re going to have young kids playing outside in cougar country, and kids do have to play outside, have at least two or three large dogs out there with them.
    I’ve never heard of a cougar attacking when three large dogs were present, that would be too big a big risk to their survival.
    And, as always, shoot the fck’n thing, and dig your lead out of it just in case.

  5. So, what did Mom have to do to get her son away from the cougar? And will she be prosecuted for defending herself against a protected species? And will the PETA and HSUSA picket and protest in her front yard because she caused the death of a wild animal that was only trying to feed itself? How DARE she not sacrifice her son to a wild animal of Gaia?
    (for those too stoopid, ignorant and/or obtuse, all of the above is sarcasm).

  6. @ Brad

    There’s no shortage of food. There is an entire free shit army out there to be eaten. Unlike the government, the cats and alligators will exact a price for stupidity and ignorance.

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