Cohen Pleads Guilty to 8 Counts, Including ‘Excessive Campaign Contribution’ – IOTW Report

Cohen Pleads Guilty to 8 Counts, Including ‘Excessive Campaign Contribution’

Legal Insurrection: Former Trump attorney Michael Cohen has pleaded guilty to eight counts, which include the following: evading personal income taxes, making an unlawful corporate campaign contribution, making a false statement to a financial institution, and making an excessive campaign contribution in October 2016.

From Bloomberg:

Cohen was shaking head and appeared to be holding back emotions as judge reviews possible sentence. Cohen faces a likely prison sentence of 46 to 63 months, the judge said.

In acknowledging the charges against him, Cohen said he was directed to violate campaign law at the direction of a candidate for federal office. At the same candidate’s direction, he said he paid $130,000 to somebody to keep them quiet, which was later repaid by the candidate. He didn’t identify the candidate or the person who was paid, but those facts match Cohen’s payment to [ex-Playboy Playmate Stephanie] Clifford and Trump’s repayment.

However, no one mentioned the candidate’s name. Bloomberg continued:

The prosecutor told the judge the purpose of the payments was to ensure that the individuals did not disclose “alleged affairs with the candidate.” Besides the $130,000 payment, Cohen admitted to making an illegal contribution of $150,000, which was how much [ex-Playboy Playmate Karen] McDougal received from the National Enquirer’s publisher to quash her story.  MORE

SNIP:  Cohen first said he made payments to the bimbos on Trump’s behalf and Trump didn’t know about it. Was he lying then or now? The campaign contribution stuff never sticks. Ask 0bama. Ask John Edwards.

Cohen’s in deep trouble over the taxi business and the IRS. Good luck with that one.

13 Comments on Cohen Pleads Guilty to 8 Counts, Including ‘Excessive Campaign Contribution’

  1. Giuliani can shred him apart at will. This is going to be a non-stop feeding frenzy on the Lefty MSM networks. They are all hypocrites for not touching the story that Hillary “may have presided over the largest campaign finance scandal in U.S. history. A lawsuit based on federal records alleges the Clinton machine laundered $84 million in excessive six-figure contributions through the Hillary Victory Fund, to dozens of Democratic state parties, on to the Democratic National Committee (DNC), and ultimately to Clinton’s campaign.”-The Federalist

    Trump change, chump change vs Hillary’s massive fraud and donations from foreign entities to both her campaign and the Clinton Foundation and Global Initiative.

    You take out Trump for this, every single building that has Kennedy on it in the Federal Government needs a name change (and our currency too).

  2. Wait and dang minute. Doesn’t at least one of the phone calls this piece of shit recorded claim he paid off at least one Bimbo on his own with out orders from “A Candidate”?

  3. Who is surprised, though? He is guilty regarding the NY Taxi business about licensing, fines, loans, etc. so what else was supposed to happen? I’m sure NY state wants a piece of his ass, too. Cohen is guilty of not greasing the correct palms in NY.

  4. The whole Taxi Medallion thing invites graft. It is about as sleazy an enterprise as exists anywhere. Once I heard of his involvement in some way with Taxi Medallions I pretty well figured the guy was up to his eyeballs in illegal of at best quasi-legal shit. It just seems to attract a certain sort of individual.

  5. “…evading personal income taxes, making an unlawful corporate campaign contribution, making a false statement to a financial institution, and making an excessive campaign contribution…”
    In other words – being a democrat…


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