College Students Upset at School for Accurately Describing Criminals at Large – IOTW Report

College Students Upset at School for Accurately Describing Criminals at Large

According to the Tulane Hullabaloo, students are angry at their university for describing active criminals on campus.

Zoë Krulak-Palmer, the “co-convener for Students Organizing Against Racism at Tulane University,” or “SOAR,” explained, “The increase in security and the way that they reacted to crime is reflective of a pattern that I’ve seen, just in my time here, of explicit and implicit efforts of the university to keep people of color from Tulane’s community, off of our campus.”

The problem that Krulak-Palmer sees at Tulane is that they are describing criminals using their race as a descriptor.

“Out of the 23 crime alerts sent out so far in 2015,” writes the Hullabaloo, “28 of the suspects were described as black males, three as Hispanic males and two as white males.

In an armed robbery of three students at Tulane, for example, the suspect was described as being a Person of Color, and likely a Hispanic man. When he was arrested, however, he turned out to be black.

Alex Williams, a junior at Tulane, says this is a huge problem. “Tre was initially reported as a Hispanic man,” she said. “It would be much more efficient and much better use of everyone’s time and the university’s resources if we just stopped attaching racial descriptors to things and instead just used physicality.”

Freshman Nick Bator said that whites are the main criminals at Tulane, but African Americans are being used as scapegoats.

“Our discourse is so racialized that we ignore the mostly white criminal phenomenon from within our own campus, in favor of being perpetually terrified of a vague image of black criminality, one that simplifies, dehumanizes and “others” the majority of the city we live in,” Bator said.

10 Comments on College Students Upset at School for Accurately Describing Criminals at Large

  1. “28 of the suspects were described as black males, three as Hispanic males and two as white males.”

    So, they were in fact a bunch of white Amish guys?

    Maybe negroes, spicks, and crackers commit crimes?

    Maybe there are more negroes in Nawlins?

    These “students” are imbeciles.

  2. Out of 23 crimes reported, there were 33 suspects. 28 suspects were black, three were Hispanic and 2 were white, yet freshman Nick Bator said most of the crimes on campus were committed by whites. Little Nick is obviously the product of Common Core math.

  3. If 28 of the suspects were described as black males, three as Hispanic males and two as white males, how can Masterbator say that whites are the main criminals at Tulane, and African Americans are being used as scapegoats. The burrs are causing most of the crime. What a surprise!

  4. With this ongoing silliness, what politically correct words can you even begin to describe anyone with.

    A male…perhaps they don’t identify as a male so this would not be accurate.

    “Insert Race of Choice” – perhaps they don’t identify with their apparent color…cuing Fauxcahauntis & Rachel.

    Approximate Age – well don’t even try to figure this out, age is so arbitrary, how do they feel and act?

    Clothing – sheesh, is that all you can see, it’s what’s on the inside which is important.

    Height – Just because I’m wearing shoes doesn’t give you the right to say how tall I am…so heightist…

  5. Zoë Krulak-Palmer. A hyphenated name. All you need to know. Like ‘African-American’? Or ‘Latino-American’? Why does she have to emphasize her name in that way? Isn’t that exactly what she is against?!

  6. God what a ditz. I wonder whether her opinion would change if she was robbed at gunpoint and wasn’t allowed to sate the color of her attacker. I wonder whether she realizes that a persons physicality also includes their color.

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