Colombian Woman Joins Trump at Vegas Podium and Has a Message – IOTW Report

Colombian Woman Joins Trump at Vegas Podium and Has a Message

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15 Comments on Colombian Woman Joins Trump at Vegas Podium and Has a Message

  1. If the polls mattered, Mitt Romney would be President right now.

    We’re in uncharted territory anymore. Nobody trusts anyone and nobody tells the truth to strangers, fearing that they might be part of our government.

    Are you going to tell a pollster, a total stranger, that you aren’t voting for the guy that runs the IRS?

    This time I’m trusting my own gut. I never thought Romney had it, but Rove and Fox and Dick Morris and the WSJ all told me not to trust my lying eyes, and I bought it.

    Never again.

    The Trump gambit is becoming a real movement, like Reagan’s was. The only thing that matters is what real people do In a voting booth. In there, it’s just you and what you think your country really needs. I’m feeling this one in my gut.

    My gut says it’s Trump.

  2. Lot’s of cheating going on bro. Even if illegals don’t vote Cali gets and additional 5 electoral votes based off the increase in population. They cancel out New Hampshire. Pretty funny Huh.

  3. your romney comments ring true. I thought mittens had a chance, but he really screwed the pooch during that 2nd debate. (i voted for ron paul, so go ahead and blame me).

    Reagan was who we needed in 1980. Trump is who we need today.

  4. In the meantime, nobody knows who or where the Muslim question came from.
    Strangely, the MSM is unconcerned.
    I bet this woman wasn’t off the stage before somebody in the Prog media was Googling her.

  5. He didn’t autograph the magazine for her until she asked him to. I’m thinking if it was staged, he would have signed it without her asking. Trump himself said he likes to be unpredictable, and I think his spontaneity is part of that .

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