Colorado Gov Signing Away State’s Electoral College Vote in Favor of National Popular Vote – Eric Holder Cheers – IOTW Report

Colorado Gov Signing Away State’s Electoral College Vote in Favor of National Popular Vote – Eric Holder Cheers

Legal Insurrection:

After the 2016 election, desperate leftists tried to harass members of the Electoral College into not voting to confirm Trump as president. It was, as the same people like to say, a direct attack on our democracy.

Now, having realized that won’t work, the left is simply trying to do away with the body.

Reid Wilson reports at The Hill:

Colorado governor will sign bill aimed at bypassing Electoral College

Colorado Gov. Jared Polis (D) will sign a measure to award his state’s electoral votes to the winner of the national popular vote, moving a countrywide coalition one step closer to circumventing the Electoral College.

In an interview Sunday, Polis called the Electoral College an “undemocratic relic” of the nation’s past, one he wants to see relegated to the dustbin of history.

“I’ve long supported electing the president by who gets the most votes,” Polis told The Hill. “It’s a way to move towards direct election of the president.”

Colorado will become the 12th state to join the national popular vote interstate compact. Those 12 states and the District of Columbia, which has also passed a popular-vote bill, account for 181 electoral votes, just under 90 shy of the 270 votes a presidential candidate needs to win the White House.

The compact will not go into effect until the coalition includes states that add up to 270 electoral votes or more. Once it does go into effect, states that are part of the coalition would award their electoral votes en masse to the candidate who wins the national popular vote.

Former United States Attorney General Eric Holder supports this idea because of course he does:


A good reform measure to support. Change the Electoral College by having a state’s electoral votes go to the national popular vote winner – not the person who won the state. The candidate who gets the most votes – nationally – is elected. Real democracy.

Right, because erasing your own state’s votes because somebody somewhere else voted differently is real democracy.

NPR deserves points for honesty with this headline. Sam Brasch writes:

After Stinging Presidential Loss, Popular Vote Movement Gains Momentum In States

more here

30 Comments on Colorado Gov Signing Away State’s Electoral College Vote in Favor of National Popular Vote – Eric Holder Cheers

  1. This is clearly unconstitutional, but it has to take effect before it can be overturned in a Federal Court. This is a very bold example of what the Socialist-Demographic Party intends to do to this country. Electing presidents by the popular vote is a major goal of those who are conducting the War of Liberal Aggression. This has to be overturned.

  2. I wish some interviewer would have the guts to ask these leftists why they are intent on destroying the USA and why they just don’t move to a country that is already socialist/communist.
    I know they’d give some bull*&*( answer but at least it would be asked.

  3. In other words, people in Colorado need not bother wasting their time voting. The voters of New York and California will decide for them. I cannot believe the people of Colorado are not storming the Governor’s Mansion with torches and pitchforks.

  4. Wonder what the reaction will be if the popular vote goes marginally to a Republican but the Colorado vote goes decisively for the Democrat so that their electoral vote gives the Republican the win in the electoral college vote?

  5. It is only enforceable if backed by the barrels of guns. It may be constitutional. Or it may be taking up arms against the Constitution. The latter is treason. And carries a legal consequence. If it is found to be newly constitutional, the Constitution will be proven nothing more than an urban legend. If found unconstitutional and it’s perpetrators are not, en masse, stood against walls and shot for their treason, the Constitution will be proven nothing more than an urban legend.

    Of course, we know patriots, keepers of their oaths, conservatives, and the rest, will agree that it all means that they are morally obligated to sit on the couch, and throw money. So, meh.

  6. Doesn’t the Constitution require states to have (small ‘r’) republican governments? The Left love straight democracy, except when it goes against them, like Prop. 8 in California. But that was before ballot box stuffing, er, “vote harvesting.”

  7. We need to use the left’s tactics against them. Find a constitution-friendly federal judge, and just before the 2020 election have him issue an injunction against Colorado, preventing them from using this clearly unconstitutional law.

  8. Article II of the Constitution requires that the electors vote. No legislature can require them to vote in any way whatsoever. And no State Bill can simply take the sum of the number of State electors and give their votes to a candidate.

    There are real physical people who are electors who are required by the constitution to vote – not to follow orders.

  9. I’m going to laugh my ass off when Trump wins the popular vote in 2020 and this blue state has to give him their votes. Hopefully he will win by 1 EC vote after Colorado puts him over the top!

  10. Jimmy FEBRUARY 28, 2019 AT 12:50 PM
    This could ultimately force an Article V Convention Of The States.

    Dangerous. The left and rinos want the Constitution under anesthesia, naked, butt-up and lubed, so they can update it.

    Part of my problem with Mark Levin is the he is a strong advocate for the Art V.

  11. Johnny – our current path ends in total political, social and fiscal chaos. Our Constitution has Article V as one last resort. Dangerous as that is, we could easily end up there, and if we do, we need to be fearless of it because there won’t be a non-violent alternative. At least, that’s how I see it.

  12. This all shows a complete lack of civics lessons in schools. It’s up to the parents to take back the responsibility of educating their own kids from the government indoctrinators.
    The only reason my kids know anything about civics is because I taught them. I bought them their own copies of the US Constitution and Declaration of Independence. I bought them the Politically Incorrect version of American History. We actually talked to them about this stuff and not just about their wittle hurt feewings.

  13. The Electoral College was all well and fine until the dimocRATS lost their ass because they couldn’t bullshit Americans anymore. That’s why they need to eliminate it and rely on dirtbags druggies illegals and every other ghetto dwelling rat in their urban shit holes to carry the popular vote…and let us not forget the dead people on the voter rolls! I don’t know about y’all but I’m just about ready for some good old fashioned patriotic blood shed to put this country back to where it was!

    Ivan the Pissed Patriot

  14. So very sad for my State…it hasn’t been perfect for all the 60 years I have lived here, but it has been a place that I have been PROUD to live in until these past 8 years. Our Colorado has been Californicated for sure and I will be looking to move from the state!

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