Comey Gets Another “Public Letter” – IOTW Report

Comey Gets Another “Public Letter”


Joining the chorus of condemnations from the left directed at James Comey comes a very public letter from the fifteen year old who turned Weiner into the authorities.  She’s upset that the media has camped out in her neighborhood and have been harassing her family to get an interview with her.


Your parents need to take your computer away, young lady, and give you the spanking Weiner wanted to administer.

13 Comments on Comey Gets Another “Public Letter”

  1. >>”Why couldn’t your letter have waited until after the election…<<

    Why couldn't you avoid immoral use of electronics?
    Where TF were your parents whilst you were haranguing with Carlos Danger?
    Why, you whiny little bint, do you have to transfer blame for YOUR actions onto everyone else?

    STFU and go clean your room.

  2. This little tramp has an opportunity to speak to young people about the dangers and consequences of communicating with strangers and even friends on the Internet. Her sexting with a pervert blows up in her face and she isn’t happy with the authorities. Where is my worlds smallest violin when I need it.

  3. Weiner’s sexting with a 15 year old is old news, and the media really doesn’t care about that. However, the content of Weiner’s laptop involves Hillary Clinton, and that is topical news.

    Blaming Comey for renewed attention is misplaced; Comey’s announcement impacts Hillary Clinton. If you want to blame someone, blame the media for trying to again deflect attention from Clinton back to Weiner. Better yet, be quiet and quit participating with a media coverup and misdirection of another Clinton scandal.

  4. I think the fbi should look through her electronic devices. All of them.

    In her case – It wouldn’t have mattered if the investigation came before or after the election.
    It has to do with minors used for some sort of sex and a politician so no chance in hell the media are going to pass that up.

    As fast and iSmart as kids are nowadays, how could she be 15 and so stupid? Close your legs and open a book.

  5. Does anyone actually believe this statement came from the 15 year old? Ok. 16 now.
    Horse hockey.

    This came directly from Clinton kaine.

    Her name is not part of the public record that I know of. Also, what 16 year old goes after the FBI director, let alone knows his name?

    This is total bullshit.

  6. PHenry, I wondered that, too. Plus how is it that none of the media have leaked her name if they are camping out on her doorstep and all. I’m not saying Weiner didn’t do criminal stuff, he absolutely did, but I’m wondering if the 15 year old isn’t in on some kind of scam with her family or friends, doing this to get some blackmail money and she chose a mark that blew up in her face. lol.

  7. I think it’s all politics. Ransom? Blackmail?
    Maybe. Doubtful.

    My guess is one or more of her Parents are democrat operatives trying to deflect attention away from Hillary’s crimes and demonize the FBI director as a means to protect Hillary.

    This is not the work of a 16 year old.

    This is just illogical.

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