Comey Runs to the NY Times Today – IOTW Report

Comey Runs to the NY Times Today

That’s Stretch in the sunglasses. The white haired lady is his wife, Patrice.

Here was Trump’s tweet awhile back.

When is this guy wrong?

more at Zero Hedge


24 Comments on Comey Runs to the NY Times Today

  1. “When is this guy wrong?” I think that’s the wrong question. Here’s the deal, he’s a big man with serious subservient body language. His hips are wider than his shoulders. That’s a problem. After all who tries to blend into the drapes with your first official meeting with the President of the United States. His life was defined in high school as a non athletic bean pole. Not much has changed. He has no integrity, he has no backbone, he’s a puss.

  2. Must be going in to approve a fawning profile. He must be feeling cocky, kind of in-your-face. Let’s see the picture of Comey visiting his lawyer. I bet he’s more discreet about that.

  3. BB/All: I think the question, “When is this guy wrong?” refers to Trump and his tweet.

    Sundance has several articles over the years in which he shows that the FBI uses the NYT’s as their official paper-of-leakage, while the CIA prefers WAPO for theirs.

    Looks like Comey was there to pick up his paycheck.

  4. A year ago, Comey was known as one of the most upstanding bi-partisan, great mind in the government. One year later: a self-serving, crooked, steps-on-his-own-foot, lying, deceiving, nerdy bastard.

  5. AA, Gotcha, you’re correct. Answer, Trumps never wrong. Did you catch those three young women behind him at the rally. To damn funny. The Gum Chewer is getting marriage proposals over twitter.

  6. BB — yes, I saw them. lol. Another reminder of why one should NEVER chew gum in public. Marriage proposals? I guess. (it’s not just her, everyone I’ve ever seen chewing gum on camera looks like a cow chewing its cud, it’s quite distracting. I’m glad they all finally sat down.)

  7. Look at his wikibio, it says that he’s a Sunday school teacher. Some times those are the worse types of people in my experience with so-called “religious” people. Some preachers are even worse at lying and deceit. Just because he was head of the FBI at one time does not make him an upright honest man. His true colors are being shown.

  8. Here’s the actually wording in ref to my above comment. A classic funny.

    mantaplagi said:
    “Aaaw, he probably just got caught short while out shopping and was looking for a public convenience.

    So he popped into the NYT for a leak.”

  9. a comment on ZeroHedge….Once Trump admitted to no recordings, Comey became free to lie. And so is the New York Times. They can move ahead with a new fake new series.

    Trump said he (HE) doesnt know of any recordings. But, what if it turns out there are? Wouldnt put that past the Don. “SURPRISE” we have a recording. . . .Totally sink this BS with that kind of trick.

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