Congress Trying to Ram Through $50 Billion More for Ukraine Before GOP Takes Control of the House – IOTW Report

Congress Trying to Ram Through $50 Billion More for Ukraine Before GOP Takes Control of the House

Political Insider-

Lawmakers from both parties are reportedly seeking to lock in a staggering $50 billion in additional military aid for Ukraine before a new Congress is sworn in this January.

The move is yet another indication that your elected senators and representatives no longer view the American people as their top priority, but rather, the government of a corrupt Eastern European nation is their new baby.

NBC News reports that multiple sources have confirmed ongoing discussions regarding a government funding bill during the lame-duck session following the election.

The report does not indicate which Republican lawmakers are on board with the idea and which are opposed.

But the funding concept is being pursued “amid concerns that a new Congress could take a more skeptical view of aid to Ukraine.” more

14 Comments on Congress Trying to Ram Through $50 Billion More for Ukraine Before GOP Takes Control of the House

  1. “….Lawmakers from both parties are reportedly seeking to lock in a staggering $50 billion in additional military aid for Ukraine before a new Congress is sworn in this January….”

    REpubliCAN’Ts are not really conservatives….they really desire to stay the #2 party….propose no legislation….vote to make the game look legitimate….and collect their 10%.

    It’s unfortunate that we don’t have better choices.

  2. “ram through”…as if there’s some solid GOP wall of resistance to dumping money into Ukraine. Only 57 GOP reps voted against the $40 billion last May, and they might get a dozen more this time, but the only thing the Dems are going to have to “ram through” is a wet paper bag.

  3. I was listening to a Trump interview a couple days ago and he once again said, “Why is most of the money coming from the USA rather than Europe?”

    Re-Watch the movie “Casino”. it’s all about the Skim + 10% for the Jackass.


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