Congressman Trent Franks to McConnell: End The Filibuster And Save Babies — Or Find A New Job – IOTW Report

Congressman Trent Franks to McConnell: End The Filibuster And Save Babies — Or Find A New Job

DC: Congressman Trent Franks wants his 20-week abortion ban to get a Senate vote. But to get there, he needs Mitch McConnell to end the filibuster — or find another line of work.

The House passed the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act — or “Micah’s Law” — on October 3rd. If it becomes law, abortions would be banned after 20 weeks of pregnancy, with exceptions for rape, incest and the life of the mother.

“We’re going to protect unborn children once they’ve reached the beginning of the sixth month, because that’s clearly at a time when there’s no real medical authority that would say that they don’t feel pain,” Franks told The Daily Caller in an exclusive “Newsmakers” interview. “They do indeed feel pain at that age.”  Watch

8 Comments on Congressman Trent Franks to McConnell: End The Filibuster And Save Babies — Or Find A New Job

  1. I’m embarrassed to say that Canada (along with the States and those other paragons of rights China and North Korea) is one of the seven countries that allow late term abortions. We leave it up to the province to make their own rules and from what I can find there is at least one (Quebec) that perform them. Hell, if a woman wants one and she’s in a province that limits abortion to 20 weeks she can go to the a State in the US that allows them and the Provincial government will pay for it. Dark Times.

  2. Being from Kentucky, I can say that I am done with McConnell. I have voted for him in every election that I could since I moved here at age 22 (I am 46 now). I have met him and he was basically a sniveling politician, asking for money, telling me how he couldn’t do anything since we didn’t have a majority, etc… I know that my wife, father, mother, brother, sister, uncles, aunts, …. who have voted for him in the past will not the next time he is up. I will never vote for a democrat, but will sit out rather than vote for McConnell again. If he was concerned about being re-elected, his head should be removed from his ass. Get in gear Mitch! What do you have to loose old man, not being a senator when you are 90?

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