Daily Dot
Conspiracy theories about “the fog” are picking up steam online as people report strange, thick mist followed by flu-like symptoms. The thickness of the fog, its appearance under a flashlight, and the respiratory symptoms some have reported after exposure led many to theorize about chemical attacks, bioweapons testing, and, of course, aliens.
So far, there has been no confirmation that there is anything nefarious about any fog in any part of the world, but with mistrust in the government at high levels, this hasn’t slowed the spread of frightened posting. More
Some speculate that it’s not a fog at all, but a “dust” – a “Smart Dust” from DARPA. Here
What about Chem trails???
I’ve been machining defense parts for tier one defense contractors since Christ was a kid. Maybe I’m really freaken slow, but I’ve just started hearing about DARPA. My experience is that the military will call all the primes together and tell them, we think we’re looking for xyz. And then the primes go out and try and satisfy that demand. Usually on their own dollar however the tax benefits are huge. Sometimes they collaborate. All the military primes have accountants that calculate body count vs dollar spent. What a job. Probably not a big hit for their kids during “what’s your dad due for a living” week. I dunno. We’ve since relied on the feds for legacy parts. But honest to God you’d think I’d know DARPA. I don’t. And I can list a shit load of weapon systems we’ve been involved with. I dunno.
Somebody cropdusting in the supermarket aisles? :/
A week ago, Dec. 27, I had occasion to drive from Miami north via 27. In the morning. It’s a very empty road, goes through sugar cane fields, FPL facilities, and not much more. Very little traffic, mosly the occasional truck.
Saw it. At first there was what looked like one dark weird cloud in the distance (I though at first it was a tornado cloud). As we got closer, it was not a cloud but something coming from the ground up, then as we got still closer, looked more like smoke from a fire (burning sugar cane fields?) But there was no visible fire anywhere and it was not moving like smoke or smelling like smoke. As we kept going, there was more, first one area (like perhaps there HAD been a fire in this one place), then more and more of this spread over vast swaths of “everywhere”. Yes, like a blanket. Normal white clouds and sky above. The darker smokey-looking stuff eventually was spread all over from the ground up to the normal clouds. And then it ended when we turned off 27 and got near Okeechobee.
There was no smell that I detected (but we weren’t directly in it only seeing it over the fairly big plain-ish terrain).
So, I need that mask now?
I invented fog – and founded DARPA.
It happened here in Iowa. Say what you want but I saw it happen. Dense fog followed by feeling sick and lethargic. Bunch of people got sick, including my wife and her co-workers.
Read “The Pentagon’s Brain” by Anne Jacobson. It’s the history of DARPA. She has a number of great books about stuff like this, all well researched. Area 51, Operation Paperclip, Nuclear War, Surprise, Kill, Vanish
Mental illness