Contempt, impeachment in play for Rod Rosenstein as Congress-Justice Department showdown escalates – IOTW Report

Contempt, impeachment in play for Rod Rosenstein as Congress-Justice Department showdown escalates

WaTimes: The showdown between Congress and the Justice Department over Russia escalated Tuesday after the House Judiciary Committee voted in favor of a resolution demanding that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein hand over sensitive documents related to the investigation into suspected meddling in the 2016 U.S. elections.

Committee members approved the resolution on a 15-11 party-line vote. It is now up to Republican leaders to decide whether they will bring the measure for a vote before the full House.

If the resolution passes, Mr. Rosenstein will have seven days to respond to the document request, but there is no penalty if he does not comply. Rep. Jim Jordan, Ohio Republican, promoted the measure as a first step toward punishing Mr. Rosenstein if he does not turn over documents requested by the committee.  more here

9 Comments on Contempt, impeachment in play for Rod Rosenstein as Congress-Justice Department showdown escalates

  1. “No penalty” oh, I see, “first step” what game is this called? Any one else tired of reading about never ending document requests tail chases. Enough already, get the club out and use it!

  2. I am CONVINCED that Comey’s “insubordination” was a deal to hide Lynch and Obama’s fingerprints that were all over the determination to find Clinton innocent at every turn.

    They expected her to win so this particular “insurance policy” didn’t kick in until after. Comey was fired -per Rosenstein’s memo – with an $8 million publishing deal, a promise from Rosenstein that Comey would never face criminal prosecution because Rosenstein and Mueller would make certain if Trump didn’t resign he would be framed and impeached.

  3. “will have seven days to respond to the document request, but there is no penalty if he does not comply.”

    All hillary did was delete, destroy and ignore the committee request for Government National Security documents on her personal server and devices. As above, there will be no consequences or penalty for non-compliance. Collusion, corruption and treasonous acts were left unchecked. The Elite are Too BIG, too Powerful, too Connected to FAIL !

    Congress, with no effective leadership or resolve, is a paper tiger yearning for another sound bite and media appearance.

    What a joke Congress have become, right along with the DOJ, FBI, IRS, EPA and damn near every bureaucratic regulatory federal agency.

    “Equal Justice for All” was a basic concept of the US Constitution, it became a cliche’ that has now turned into a lie.

  4. “but there is no penalty if he does not comply”

    No wonder Trey Gowdy did nothing. There are no consequences for breaking the rules, so what could he do but bluster in front of the cameras hoping that the people would demand action. But with no consequences, why would our cries for justice mean anything to these people?

    I’m thinking the Convention of the States will be our only hope of purging congress of these entrenched lifers who go into politics to become rich while screwing America instead of serving America.


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