Okay, you’re all on the honor system.

This video is Hillary Clinton laughing for 10 hours (ht/ Snowball the Sourpuss).

Whoever records the longest sustained viewing, without looking away, will win the contents of the lint trap in my dryer.Screen Shot 2015-07-26 at 9.13.42 PM

36 Comments on CONTEST!

  1. Nope. No can do. Not even for one second.

    I cannot tolerate this witch’s cackle and I have enough of my own dryer lint.

    Now, if you had offered IOTW bucks, I might have started the video.

  2. Lost track .. Have no idea of the time it took to look away but it kept playing. I think I just got hypnotized.
    This is why you can’t trust people who laugh and smile all the time.

  3. “will win the contents of the lint trap in my dryer”

    Me playing depends on the answer to this question: Do you have a consistent habit of leaving folding money in your pockets when you toss your laundry in the wash?

  4. I watched the whole video and kept waiting to see hillary laughing, what gives?

    all I saw was a jackass braying for the whole 10 hours.

    looked old from the condition of the teeth too.

  5. I know Fur’s dryer lint is the most elite of leet lint, but George Soros doesn’t have enough money to persuade me to run that video. Not. Gonna. Do. It.

    Make George Soros watch that video until he capitulates.

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