Contrary To Media Claims, Deporting Illegal Alien Criminals Will Save Taxpayers More Than It Costs – IOTW Report

Contrary To Media Claims, Deporting Illegal Alien Criminals Will Save Taxpayers More Than It Costs


In testimony before the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee, American Immigration Council (AIC) Senior Fellow Aaron Reichlin-Melnick remarked last week that mass deportations would cost “at a minimum” $316 billion.

The AIC estimates that there is an annual cost of $88 billion to deport one million illegal aliens each year. That breaks down to $7 billion for arrests, $66 billion for detentions, $12.6 billion to go through the legal process, and $2.1 billion to transport deportees out of the country. It works out to $88,000 per deportee, but the council claims this is a “highly conservative estimate.” They conclude there is “a total cost of $967.9 billion over the course of more than a decade.”

But looking at the per deportee costs over recent years show a cost that is less than one-sixth of what the AIC estimates. Advocacy organizations such as AIC are out to create shock-value numbers. more

11 Comments on Contrary To Media Claims, Deporting Illegal Alien Criminals Will Save Taxpayers More Than It Costs

  1. When the Cloward-Piven practices of these damn dirty democRATz have depleted our Treasury and FEMA funds, I should think that deporting THE PROBLEM is far cheaper, especially in the long run!!

  2. We know who is getting fucked, the taxpayer of course. But who has profited from the crisis and who will profit from the cleanup. It’s almost as if this whole thing was planned.

  3. Offer each illegal $10k to self deport, payment upon proof of arrival to their country of origin, with a pledge that they can never come back under punishment of lifetime imprisonment. The offer drops $1k per month until it is zero.

  4. What oblowme and brandon have done to our nation is done. Nothing else we can do but mop up after their disaster, just like any other disaster that has befallen us. Then we primary every RINO who is stupid enough to not back MAGA. Then we primary every Democrat, no matter what, ’cause there are a vast number of people who reside in so-called “blue” districts who would vote for MAGA if they had the option.


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