PJM: The Biden presidency might have been the greatest con job ever perpetrated on the American people. A shocking investigation by the Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project has revealed that virtually every document bearing Joe Biden’s signature during his presidency was signed by an autopen — except for one.
What makes this revelation particularly damning is that the only document confirmed to have Biden’s actual signature was his letter announcing his withdrawal from the 2024 presidential race. Let that sink in for a moment.
Remember when House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) revealed his discussion with Biden when Biden couldn’t recall signing the executive order halting LNG exports? Now we know why — he probably didn’t. The real question is: Who did? Who was running the country while Biden was not all there? more
No standing
I’m all for it
If that doesn’t start Civil War 11, we will have smooth sailing for awhile.
Old Joe was a puppet, it was obvious to even the most casual observer. He was declared incompetent to stand trial fercrissakes. How far down the rabbit hole shall we go?
Like we didn’t all know this already.
I stated in another article that it looked like the Autopen was used for the Leftists to bulldoze through as much of their crap as they could before Trump took office. Now if this was actually happening from DAY 1, the whole thing needs to be flush down the toilet and left to totally decay in a septic tank. Joe’s and Jill’s Presidential Pension need to be revoked as she would still get it after he croaks. Their Secret Service Protection also needs to be revoked. These two things alone would save Taxpayers many Millions of dollars, depending upon how long they both would live to collect them.
Now if every Executive Order signed under Biden was overturned, saving Trillions, it would make DOGE’s job easier to clean up the remaining messes from Obumbles, G.W. Bush, and the Clinton Crime Family that are still active.
When something sounds too good to be true it usually is. Hopefully this is the exception.
…well, he never was a legitimately elected president in the FIRST place, so…
And what hath this ‘bombshell’ wrought?
Who, pray tell, is going to do this overturning? By what mechanism?
Nullification of everything Joey:
100% justified morally, legally, Constitutionally
100% impossible politically, judicially, swampily
John Roberts
Friday, 7 March 2025, 0:09 at 12:09 am
No standing
No, no, NO! If you WERE me, you would know that with EVERYTHING at stake for ME INCLUDING pediophilia and treason charges that I am speaking out of a place of anger and fear, the fear for my neck and the anger that I can’t KEEP this stomped out.
So I am NOT going to just say “No standing” with no emphasis or punctuation. It comes from my GUT where the fear resides and I use my whole diapragm to push it out FORECEFULLY, so its like THIS;
You are doing a TERRIBLE job of impersonating me.
Do better.
Uncle Al – you nailed it.
100% impossible politically, judicially, swampily
Even if you could get Ol’ Joe on the stand….his drivel would be incomprehensible.
The deep state is scrambling to get a handle on the scandals that continue to unravel. Witnesses could be potentially disappearing before much longer. A lot of witnesses.
Don’t underestimate President Trump’s commitment to America.
Think bigger, judicial appointments.
Jackass Joe was just a face pasted to a cardboard cut-out labeled “President”. If the grinning imbecile had croaked in office the AutoPen would have kept on working thru the weekend at Bernie’s like nothing had ever happened!
He didn’t sign a pardon for himself because it didn’t matter. His autopen proxies knew he would die or be found too incapacitated to stand trial for anything.
“All used the same autopen signature except for the the announcement that the former President was dropping out of the race last year.”
Yes, that one was not by auto-pen. It was by auto-da-fe. They knew it would be scrutinized, unlike all of the others.
Tel-Auto has been around for a while. Telephone autograph was used in the Air Force in the 1960s, no doubt it has advanced since the old days when I was in the USAF.
There’s probably a half dozen or more similar ideas why the whole four years are null and void, but even if one would hold water there will never be anything done about it.
It’s like thinking the ads could disappear. Ad covering ad, covering post button. Maybe one of us will win the lottery and give Mr. big the cash to do away with them. Same probability.
Nothing will happen because everyone knew, or should have known about this since Joe’s presidential campaign in 2020. Biden’s relatively rare campaign appearances were carefully scripted, and Biden was forbidden from making remarks off the cuff – when he did manage to get a statement or two in, they were either disastrous or hilarious. After speeches, Biden was hustled off of the state by his handlers. You can spend a month watching video clips of Biden wandering around aimlessly. Joe was kept away from press conferences. Etc. etc.
The main question should be “why did anyone think or claim that Biden was ever in charge?” The answer is very few sane people thought Biden was in charge of anything; we either chose to ignore the situation or, particularly in the case of Democrats, Rinos and the MSM, just lied about it. A lot of people on this site as well as other conservatives did wonder about who was actually in charge, but frankly the only people who had the resources and/or legal grounds to investigate the situation were either sitting politicians, bureaucrats with a vested interest in Biden, or the media – and they all had a vested interest in ignoring the situation.
So what do we do now? Executive Orders can be undone by the new President, and Trump is doing this job. Legislation was actually passed by Congress, and I cannot see any judge invalidating legislation just because someone may have used an autopen. Many of these Executive Orders and laws have caused extensive damage to this nation, but we need to undo these things and fix the problems they caused with prospective action. I personally do not want to see government by Executive Order, and would force Congress and the courts to do their jobs.
I don’t like living in the past. Trump has undone many of Biden’s (or whoever was actually in charge) Executive Orders, but the hard part is fixing the problems they caused while these EOs were being enforced. This probably isn’t a popular opinion, but I believe it is best for the nation.
There is a reason that EVERY executive order that president Trump has signed, has been in front of a camera. He is all over this. After a forensic investigation, Trump can just write an EO that negates every document signed by autopen. Let the democrats sue, and drag old Joe into court to testify. Hahaha.
drag old Joe into court to testify….
Dood, better get on that one right away cuz Jackass Joe is a ripe banana!
The voting fraud preceded Joe’s autopen.
They STOLE the election for him. 100% of EVERYTHING is invalid.
Plus 8 years of Soetoro. That is 12 years of null and void legislation and appointments.
The Cheap injustice was on old Joe’s teem. :looks like hemp tieam.
John “Boehner” Roberts and Amy “James Comey” Barrett will never go for it.