Court filings: Medical examiner thought George Floyd had ‘fatal level’ of fentanyl in system – IOTW Report

Court filings: Medical examiner thought George Floyd had ‘fatal level’ of fentanyl in system

MINNEAPOLIS (FOX 9) – New exhibits filed in the case against the four former Minneapolis Police Officers accused of murdering George Floyd suggest the Hennepin County Medical Examiner thought George Floyd’s fentanyl levels were at a potentially “fatal level”, but his and other medical examiner’s findings showed he died of a combination of factors.

Six pieces of evidence were filed in the case Tuesday one day after former officer Tou Thao’s attorneys requested the release of the full autopsy reports from the Hennepin County Medical Examiner, the Armed Forces Medical Examiner and the private medical examiners hired by George Floyd’s family.

The Armed Forces Medical Examiner filed a memorandum agreeing with the Hennepin County Medical Examiner’s final conclusion that Floyd’s death was a homicide, saying, “His death was caused by the police subdual and restraint in the setting of severe hypertensive atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, and methamphetamine and fentanyl intoxication.”

However, two other memos filed Tuesday from the Hennepin County Attorney’s Office about conversations with Chief Hennepin County Medical Examiner Dr. Andrew Baker paint a different picture about the nature of Floyd’s death. more

29 Comments on Court filings: Medical examiner thought George Floyd had ‘fatal level’ of fentanyl in system

  1. “Combination of factors.” After my Mom passed and I received copies of her death certificate, the the cause of death listed 5 different items. No autopsy was conducted and it just seemed like they went through her medical records to find a cause or causes for something to fill in the blank on the form and move on to the next case.

    And people wonder why I hate going to the doctor.

  2. Quick, someone get the Governor of Wisconsin to make another inflammitory statement about how the cops murdered a child molesting woman beater, a counterfeiting druggie, and a strong arm robbing, cop attempted murdering thug all of whom were resisting arrest because they’re REALLY saints, or something…

  3. Doesn’t matter.
    Never did.
    You know why negroes have more interactions with police than caucasians (as a percentage of population)?


    Now, do they commit more crimes because of some shit that happened 400 years ago? Or 100 years ago? Or 50 years ago?
    Most negro criminality (despondency, committing crimes for entertainment, fatherless households, bastardy, drug use and addiction, general misogyny, &c.) can be traced DIRECTLY to the Johnson Administration.

    BLM, ANTIFA, and the general movement to destroy civilization is predicated on nihilism hidden under a patina of socialism (or marxism or Nazi-ism or progressivism or whatever euphemism they’re using this week).

    If George Floyd and his fellow propaganda cut-outs had leapt off tall buildings to their deaths, the media would STILL be blaming whitey and Trump.

    For some reason which I cannot fathom, Satan’s minions smell that this is their moment and are acting to crush civilization throughout the World. The forces of Evil are gathering – in the moslem shit-holes, in China, in Russia, in South America, in Africa, in Canada, in Oceania, in Eastasia, in Eurasia …

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. …the riots when THESE cops are acquitted should be EPIC, probably timed for just before the elections, load up for Civil War if you’re White because the Black Genocide Wave will be headed YOUR way when that happens and we’re gonna have to END this one way or another…

  5. the so called “medical examiner” the family hired never examined the body. He watched the video. He is a professional witness, a dishonest inferior doctor who will “diagnose” whatever the attorney wants.

    His name isn’t mentioned in the article. sheesh!

  6. WDS AUGUST 26, 2020 AT 6:03 AM
    ‘“Combination of factors.” After my Mom passed and I received copies of her death certificate, the the cause of death listed 5 different items. No autopsy was conducted and it just seemed like they went through her medical records to find a cause or causes for something to fill in the blank on the form and move on to the next case.’

    …everyone dies of the same thing, their heart stops beating and they stop breathing, so the lead cause is usually “Cardiopulmonary failure subsequent to…” or some wording like that, followed by whatever the doctor wants to say to lead away from things the doctor may have done to actually kill their patient.

    Of course, were your mother to pass NOW, the certificate would simply say “Coronavirus”. It gets the hospital more money, and deflects anyone from actually, you know, INVESTIGATING deaths or anything to see if the doctor might of killed the patient (Iatrogenic) or the hospital might have killed the patient (Nosocomial), and since they don’t allow FAMILY members in the room any more because, Coronavirus (tee-hee I hear every time they say this), there’s no way you can know what did…or did NOT…go on leading up to your loved one’s death, so they can just blame an imaginary flu and move on and YOU can just shut UP, peasant, don’t you know they’re HEROES?(/s the “Hero” part)

  7. …this is what killed George Floyd. Wooden Chest Syndrome.

    “Belgian chemist Paul Janssen first synthesized the fully synthetic opioid, fentanyl, in 1960, which revolutionized the field of surgical anesthesia. Fentanyl has extremely high potency (e.g., ∼150 greater than morphine) and hemodynamic stability (Stanley, 2014). Like all narcotics given in sufficient quantity, fentanyl/fentanyl analogs (F/FAs) can induce dose-dependent respiratory depression, hypoxia, and death (Stanley, 2014). Unlike morphine-derived alkaloids, F/FAs can rapidly induce a combination of vocal cord closure (laryngospasm) and severe muscle rigidity in the chest wall and diaphragm at doses well within therapeutic ranges used for analgesia, and lower than doses known to cause severe respiratory depression. This phenomenon of fentanyl-induced respiratory muscle rigidity (FIRMR) and laryngospasm is clinically known as wooden chest syndrome (WCS), which occurs within 1 to 2 minutes after injection and lasts ∼8–15 minutes (Grell et al., 1970; Scamman, 1983; Streisand et al., 1993). Anesthesiologists are trained to manage WCS and airway compromise with intravenous muscle paralytics (e.g., succinylcholine) followed by endotracheal intubation. Janssen Pharmaceutica, the manufacturer of fentanyl, recognized that muscle rigidity induced by fentanyl should be treated with a paralytic, and respiratory depression should be treated with a μ-opioid receptor antagonist, such as naloxone (Grell et al., 1970; Streisand et al., 1993; Janssen Pharmaceutica, 2017).”

    …no knee necessary. He was a dead man anyway.

    By his own hand.

  8. Thanks SNS for the insight.
    Thankfully she passed at home and not in some sterile hospital room or worse, in a shit laden diaper at some nasty nursing facility. I saw to she never had to end up in either. Don’t get me started on the sheriff’s idiot deputy that totally disrespected me the morning this went down though. Had I not been focused on the EMTs (they were great) and the awesome coroner and ultimately the funeral home guys I might’ve lost my cool with that ass and gotten arrested.

  9. He died of fentanyl overdose. The amount in his blood was above levels that cause death. When someone is in ‘excited delirium’ from it, they are supposed to be restrained. The cops were trained to put a knee on the side of the neck, which does not suffocate. The cops are being railroaded.

    In other news, there were some mostly peaceful shootings in Kenosha last night.
    Antifa and blm rioters got what was finally coming to them.

    1. The rioters chased and armed man and tackled him. The guy that got attacked then shot the tackler.
    2. The rioters were in the process of burning down a car dealership. An armed citizen put a stop to that. He shot the mf’er.

  10. “His death was caused by the police subdual and restraint in the setting of severe hypertensive atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, and methamphetamine and fentanyl intoxication.”
    “[Dr. Andrew Baker] said that if Mr. Floyd had been found dead in his home (or anywhere else) and there were no other contributing factors he would conclude that it was an overdose death,” the June 1 memo said.

    So Floyd died of a combination of factors all of which were the result of his poor choices. Yet it is the police officers fault because of their “subdual and restraint”? Again, another consequence of choosing poorly and resisting arrest.

    And while the medical examiner who actually did the autopsy states “The autopsy revealed no physical evidence suggesting that Mr. Floyd died of asphyxiation.” But the hired gun shyster for Floyds family claims “Floyd’s cause of death as “traumatic asphyxia due to the compression of his neck and back during restraint by police”.

    This will not end well. Based on the autopsy either the cops get railroaded for restraining an man who overdosed, or they are acquitted and cities continue to burn.

  11. Strike 1 -All this violence and destruction of private property over a known drug addict who resisted arrest. Sad.

    Strike 2 -All this violence and destruction of private property over a known armed, violent offender who resisted arrest. Sad.

  12. Don’t remember where I saw it but one of the body cams supposedly showed a white “object “ in his mouth – presumed to be fentanyl. We’ll see if that bears out or not.

  13. Why is it when a white piece of shit is killed he is a white piece of shit to a white. But when a black piece of shit is killed he is all of a sudden as innocent as the wind driven snow?

  14. WDS
    AUGUST 26, 2020 AT 7:45 AM

    “Thankfully she passed at home and not in some sterile hospital room or worse, in a shit laden diaper at some nasty nursing facility. I saw to she never had to end up in either.”

    …I looked back at what I wrote and I do apologize, WDS, for not first commiserating on your loss. I am a product of my past, so when discussing medical things I still tend to compartmentalize and not speak to this being about actual human beings, and it is clear your mother was dear to you and I should have been FIRST sorry for your loss. Again I apologize and pray that you find comfort in the blessed assurance that she is with the Lord in incorruptible flesh this day.

    I also applaud you for taking it upon yourself to see to your mother’s care in your own home. This is not easy as you are well aware but many reading may NOT be, and I can well imagine the difficulties you experienced doing so, but it was the right choice because nursing homes and hospitals DO treat the elderly just as you say, so they are to be avoided at all costs. Also I do not know you but I know something of this subject because of close contact with it on many levels, and anyone who has to live with that situation should NOT feel badly if they have a sense of relief when the loved one finally passes, for they have shed their weakened human bodies to be glorified with the Lord, and have so ended the long and hard toil of those who cared for them in those final days, so that relief is a DOUBLE gift of God and God blessing you for that labor of love. No guilt necessary after a difficult job well done is concluded.

    It strikes me as odd, but not unprecidented, that there was no autopsy, though. In my county there is a requirement that all nonhospital deaths be investigated by the coroner, which usually…but not ALWAYS…means autopsy. This is because even with older folk someone may want to hasten their demise, for good reasons or bad, and because humans are humans the default is usually that ANY death needs clinical verufication.

    That said, the coroner can also be busy, lazy, or both, and if a nonhospital patient was receiving hospice care at home or had a previous terminal diagnosis and was sent home with palliatives only, the coroner would probably accept the doctor’s terminal DX as sufficient…absent any police report of obvious foul play.

    Having stood on many such scenes as a medic, I appreciate your report on the EMTs, and while I won’t try to justify the LEO, I will say that they will, generally, be more of seeming jerks to the bereaved because THEIR role is to be suspicious and check out that default belief that all people are bad and all deaths may be foul play. The job hardens them and may make them undiplomatic, especially to someone who just lost their mother, but they will be, as I said, possibly the difference between a murder autopsy or not, so they WILL ask hard, unpleasant questions because it’s their job. It sucks, but it has to be done. Yours maybe could have been less of a jerk, but not all LEOs are angels, nor are all EMTs, all doctors, any more than all humans are.

    They can’t teach you that.

    All any of us can do is our best, and sometimes we’re too tired to do even that, because we’re all of us human.

    But may the Lord reward you for all you’ve been through, and grant you the peace of knowing that she is truly in a better place, and that you may see her again at the feet of the Lord and be glad together on that glorious day. We all of us must go by way of the grave, but we may also live afterwards in glory together again in the grace and mercy of the Lord.

    “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.”
    Revelation 21:4

    God Bless,

  15. I watched this on live stream. Don’t know if it’s in the news today, doubtful.

    Kenosha WI, night 3 of rioting, arson and now shootings. Three people were shot in the crowd last night, apparently by an armed militia member. One man had his arm almost blown off, another shot in the head. Between the community (and those transported from outside the area), armed militia in camo, boogaloo boys clearly identified by Hawaiian shirts, national guard/local LE/military/MRAPs, the chaos looks like something out of Mad Max.

    Mike Brown has been deified as The Gentle Giant. George Floyd was literally compared to Jesus Christ.

    Now there’s a planned March on Washington, calling all “activists” across the country, replete with “training seminars”, and word is they’re committed to stay up until the election.

    Facts are malleable to these people. There’s an agenda afoot and nothing will get in their way.

  16. Engelburka Engelburka AUGUST 26, 2020 AT 8:49 AM
    “…the chaos looks like something out of Mad Max.”

    …the Mad Max universe is actually PREFERABLE.

    …at least Max could DEFEND himself, as could ANYONE, without having the police come to arrest HIM later on, take his guns, destroy his livlihood, publicize his name, doxx his family, and ensure he gets beaten in prison and his family attacked and house burned down for being rayyyciss..

  17. …and because of his racist, inflammatory speech ALONE, Federal Marshalls should arrest the Governor of Wisconsin forthwith for incitement to riot and treason, and should be held PERSONALLY responsible for EVERY SINGLE INJURY, MURDER, ROBBERY, LOOTING, RAPE, AND ARSON that happens because of his deliberately fomenting violence.

    “While we do not have all of the details yet, what we know for certain is that he is not the first Black man or person to have been shot or injured or mercilessly killed at the hands of individuals in law enforcement in our state or our country. We stand with all those who have and continue to demand justice, equity, and accountability for Black lives in our country—lives like those of George Floyd, of Breonna Taylor, Tony Robinson, Dontre Hamilton, Ernest Lacy, and Sylville Smith. And we stand against excessive use of force and immediate escalation when engaging with Black Wisconsinites.”

    Murder. Naming matyrs who were themselves criminals. Using the word “BLACK” every third word like the police NEVER shoot White people, EVEN THOUGH WHITE PEOPLE GET SHOT MORE. Announcing that he will go after “racist” politicians after backing the police off, like these allegedly racist politicians had ANYTHING to do with the actions of a child molesting woman beater who was ignoring police orders to retreive a weapon from his vehicle.

    No mention of the fact that the Police force was BUILT by Democrats in a long-Democrat held city, and was following Democrat policies.

    He knew what he was doing.

    He WANTED riots.

    And GOT them.

    Now, HE should pay.

    Ideally, on a gallows…

  18. …funny, just BEFORE this, a Black man was shot in broad daylight on the streets of Wisconsin, and I don’t remember the Governor inciting riots THEN.

    Ohh, Trump supporter, NOT committing a crime, NOT resisting arrest, and NOT shot by cops as a result.

    Shot for his not being on the liberal plantation only.

    Guess that’s OK, eh, Govie? Nothing to see here, but look, ORANGE MAN BAD, BURN THIS BITCH DOWN BECAUSE, MUH POWER, says the Governor…

  19. @aleon: “ Why is it when a white piece of shit is killed he is a white piece of shit to a white. But when a black piece of shit is killed he is all of a sudden as innocent as the wind driven snow?”

    In a word, racism.


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