Court of Public Opinion Doesn’t Bode Well For the Left – IOTW Report

Court of Public Opinion Doesn’t Bode Well For the Left

This is the execrable and left-wing Daily Mail. ^

9 Comments on Court of Public Opinion Doesn’t Bode Well For the Left

  1. I was moved to tears watching the Kavanaughs interview with McCallum (spelling?) of FNC. This is not right, and if the people who are perpetrating this character assassination do not go to jail I cannot say how terribly disappointed and outraged I will feel about our vaunted “justice system.” Because I’m getting pretty sick and tired of hearing about how fair our American “liberty and justice for all” is when a man who has expended the effort to live a life of mindful goodness (just try doing that for a week) is reduced to talking about his virginity on national television in order to beat back the jackals who are tearing him limb from limb. Trump talked about the “stench” of the swamp. A more apt word would be hard to find. God told us to hate what is evil and I am glad to obey.

    Pray for the Kavanaughs.

  2. Confirm now. Let’s see if they really want to impeach him or just move on to their next smear. Get out of this procedural no-man’s-land and back into following a set of rules.

  3. Thirdtwin, you are right. This whores claims will go the way of the poor refugees that were dying in the sands of Syria. According to Hitlery we needed to take 50,000 a month. Now that she lost and Trump said no, not one fucking radical left wing demorat is worried about them any longer. No more hysteria, no more tears, no more humanity crisis… just moved on to the next. Like global warming.

  4. We need to pick a few states, maybe Texas, Montana, Wyoming and conservatives need to move there if they can. Retire there for sure. Leave your home state and get an exodus going to a few states that are overwhelmingly conservative. Crush the elections and dominate a few states and make them into our own little countries. I hate the Left so bad. They are not my people at all. I’ve lived in China itself and I can tell you that I like, trust, admire and respect the Chinese FAR MORE than American leftists. They are freer, more noble, moral, rational, honest and decent than our Left and it’s not even close.

  5. The interview drove me to rage. I felt embarrassed. I kept seeing the smug faces of Hirono, Gillibrand, and Schumer in my mind and wanting to smash them with a baseball bat. This is an outright disgrace. That poor man and his family. Dear God where are we headed?
    Senator Glassley seat Judge Kavanaugh this week and let there be a red tsunami in November.


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