Crazy = Tea Party = No Gun? – IOTW Report

Crazy = Tea Party = No Gun?

Obama proposes firearm background check changes

HONOLULU (AP) — The Obama administration on Friday announced a pair of executive actions aimed at strengthening federal background checks for gun purchasers, with a particular focus on limiting firearm access for those with mental health issues.

One proposed rule change aims to clarify terminology used by federal law to prohibit people from purchasing a firearm for mental health reasons. The administration said states have complained that some wording is ambiguous, making it difficult to determine who should be blocked from buying a weapon.

Read the rest here

21 Comments on Crazy = Tea Party = No Gun?

  1. I’ll say it again – I hope and pray that Obama decrees by executive order that ALL guns are banned and must be surrendered immediately.

    He won’t and will never do this because he knows it’ll be over for him, his family, the Democrats, and every other fucking control-freak liberal if he does.

    The Democrats insist that they achieve their goal one teeny tiny chip at a time, but I have faith in Obama’s impetuousness and narcissistic impatience to get the better of him.

    I try to think of it like this: The day he snaps his fingers is the day the counter-revolution begins because that day will be forever known as the day of the great cleansing.

    People are arming themselves by the thousands, Mr. President. You think about that while you’re lining up that putt, asshole.

  2. Tsunami, it’s his same old trick as banning lead:

    can’t get Congress to do your bidding, so get your Exec Branch minions to play along instead. Just get enough Government-controlled Obamacare docs to declare just enough of “those” people CRAZY, and…problem solved!

  3. limiting firearm access for those with mental health issues.

    The Mental Left is now making decisions for the general public that apply only to themselves. A little twisted, glaad I’m not in their camp.

  4. @ Tim

    Exactly my point.

    Their illusion of control would immediately evaporate and so their lives (and illusion of control) would change forever.

    The door swings both ways.

    I guess it all depends on who initiates the change.

  5. Tsunami, your bravado talk reminds me of some posters on a few SHTF sites.
    Let’s see when they come at you, son.
    Counter revolution. Uh huh.
    It ain’t as magical as it seems.

  6. Tsunami,
    I’m on your side. It’s a matter of timing.

    Moshe Dayan was a “terrorist” before he was a “statesman.”
    Nelson Mandela was a “terrorist” before he was “President.”
    George Washington was a “terrorist” before he was General of the Continental Army.

    First guy who pulls the trigger, and doesn’t have an organization behind him, is a murderer or “terrorist” until, and unless, he prevails.

  7. The Constitution does not have an ‘except’ clause for the 2nd amendment. If the gov’t wants to keep guns out of the hands of lunatics, they have to lock up the lunatics, not the guns.

  8. @Burner:

    The Constitution does not have an ‘except’ clause for the 2nd amendment. If the gov’t wants to keep guns out of the hands of lunatics, they have to lock up the lunatics, not the guns.

    Another “exactly.” As David Codrea puts it,

    …anyone whose dangerous actions and behaviors have proven they can’t be trusted with a gun has also proven they can’t be trusted without a custodian.

  9. I know of only one revolution in history that replaced the oppressor with something better and that was only because a group of extrordinary people committed everything (literally) they had to it. Revolution has given us names like Robespierre, Madame Lefarge, Lenin, Beria, Guevera, Pol Pot, Uncle Ho.

    Famine, starvation, disease, murder, rape, infanticide, wholesale destruction, depopulation, executions – the entire palette of horrors will be daily fare.

    I’m not saying that at times there is no other way. Yes, I’d rather die on my feet than live on my knees but not I’m going into it thinking it’s a video game or that these keyboard commandos are going to have the discipline, judgement or courage under fire that it will take to be successful. The price will be astronomically higher than most of us can imagine.

    “We began a contest for liberty ill provided with the means for the war, relying on our patriotism to supply the deficiency. We expected to encounter many wants and distresses, we must bear the present evils and fortitude.” — George Washington in 1781

    “Unhappy it is, though, to reflect that a brother’s sword has been sheathed in a brother’s breast and that the once-happy plains of America are either to be drenched with blood or inhabited by slaves. Sad alternative! But can a virtuous man hesitate in his choice?” — George Washington in a letter to a friend

  10. I know it’s early, but this is the Comment of the Year…

    “People are arming themselves by the thousands, Mr. President. You think about that while you’re lining up that putt, asshole.”

    Lucifer gives it a big thumbs-up, too, despite the boy being his son. 😉

  11. ““People are arming themselves by the thousands, Mr. President. You think about that while you’re lining up that putt, asshole.”

    We started selling complete billet weapons and matched sets Dec. 5th. To date, we’ve sold 82 ea. rifles/lowers. We thought it would slow down a bit after the first. It’s not. And we haven’t made it out of Northern Cali. yet. This will spur on another panic buy.

  12. “Mentally ill” starts out as schizophrenic and in practice becomes your Obamacare doctor telling the database that you seem depressed. Then it gets cross referenced with the background check database and voila!

    A visit from Officer Friendly and his pals at 3:30 in the morning.

    Oh, your parents sent you to a therapist and had ADHD prescribed when you were 14? No 2nd Amendment for you. In fact, lets just declare everybody mentally ill. Between criminalizing everything and over diagnosing childhood, no one is mentally stable enough to own a weapon.

    That’s the goal.

  13. insane gunman who shot Democrat Congressman Gabby Giffords – he was a Democrat

    insane gunman who perpetrated the Sandy Hook school massacre – he was a Democrat

    insane gunman who perpetrated the Denver movie theater massacre – he was a Democrat

    insane kids who perpetrated the Columbine school massacre – too young to register as Democrats but both kids’ parents were far-left Democrat activists

    beginning to see a pattern here? simply put, keep guns out of the hands of Democrats and we won’t have to worry about any more insane Democrats committing atrocities with guns. They’ll just use carbombs, poison, Skittles, you name it.

  14. In NYS, the state police are invading medical records, looking for anyone with pistol permits on mood meds. Then confiscating, not just their pistols, but all their guns.

    This will cause people with mild problems to avoid treatment. Negative repercussions will follow.

    “Liberalism always results in the exact opposite of it’s stated intent.” -Jim Quinn

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