Creepy Joe Strikes Again – IOTW Report

Creepy Joe Strikes Again

15 Comments on Creepy Joe Strikes Again

  1. He just can’t learn when to STFU.
    Does anyone seriously want this guy running the country? With regard to Epstein and his friends, Joe could run under the Pedo Party and possibly find his true calling.

  2. Are they booking halls that hold a hundred and putting 110 in them to try and fool someone. Not working. Not quite Trump with 20k in and 10k outside.
    Joe should have a sign that says -don’t let you children date until 30, have them talk to me after, I have something special for them.
    He’s got to be a throw away, they can’t be this stupid?

  3. His brain is gone. I’m rapidly getting to the point where I feel there’s no more sport in going at him. Similar to shooting fish in a barrel. He’s falling apart before our eyes and the most humane thing to do is just let him crumble. Maybe we should just leave him be right? Naaaaah. No bloody f…ing way!


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