Critics Think They Hear Anti-Semitic Dog Whistle In Van Morrison’s Latest Number – IOTW Report

Critics Think They Hear Anti-Semitic Dog Whistle In Van Morrison’s Latest Number

Irish singer Van Morrison has released a bluesy ode to the dysfunctional news, with a charming piece titled, “They Own The Media” Listen

The howls of protest from designated experts have been equal parts predictable, hysterical, and slanderous.

Does Van Morrison have a history of anti-Semitic statements like say a Roger Waters or Richard Wagner? Or are these accusers using the most potent poison they know to try to destroy a performer they’ve loved all their lives? – Dr. Tar

12 Comments on Critics Think They Hear Anti-Semitic Dog Whistle In Van Morrison’s Latest Number

  1. Roger Waters is a cocksucker. Blames Israel for everything. I shit canned his blu ray concert because of his fuckin mouth.

    I have nothing against Gilmour. U kept his discs.

  2. To state what is obvious (to us):
    “They” are the LIBERALS.*

    For the Left to associate being a Liberal with being a Jew seems kinda racist.

    Therefore … The Liberals are racists.

    *Who woulda guessed Van Morrison is a Conservative? Not used to California musicians being Conservative. Good on him.

  3. From Shiwbiz411: “After almost years of hits, Van Morrison has outed himself as a right wing anti-Semite”

    So rabid are they to repeat what’s been told to them to report, these spittle-spewing bots forget to complete their thoughts before publishing.

    After almost years of hits indeed.

    And they all wanted to fellate Van when they were in liberal arts schools.

  4. Van is actually very spiritual with his lyrics. All I get is that this song criticizes Media & people who are in control. The “they” Google, FB, Twatter, all of them.

  5. It’s ironic that the Marxist leftists keep hearing all these racist “dog whistles”–a term that means only racists can hear them–yet only the Marxist leftists can hear them.

    It’s not at all surprising, just ironic.

  6. With tracks like “Stop Bitching, do something”, “Why are you on Facebook”, and “Where have all the rebels gone”? seems this is Van’s protest album.

    Hundreds of bands cashed in protesting the Vietnam war. Where are the now? I guess they only cared about the “common man” when it came to ticket sales.

  7. Weird how the same people who are so sure that Morrison is talking about Jews will call Israelis Nazis, and then get indignant if you suggest they might have a problem with Jews.

    Anyhow, after the last year or so, my first thought is that Morrison is talking about the Chicoms.


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