Crooked Castro – IOTW Report

Crooked Castro

USA Today-

Housing Secretary Julian Castro violated federal law when he expressed support for Hillary Clinton’s candidacy in an interview with Yahoo News in April, an investigation has found.

That violated the Hatch Act, according to an investigative report submitted to President Obama Monday by the Office of Special Counsel. That law, first passed in 1939, forbids anyone in the executive branch — other than the president or vice president — from using his or her official position to engage in political activity.

Castro admitted the error.

“At the time, I believed that this disclaimer was what was required by the Hatch Act. However, your analysis provides that it was not sufficient,” Castro said in a response to the Office of Special Counsel. “When an error is made — even an inadvertent one — the error should be acknowledged. Although it was not my intent, I made one here.”


What a team!!!!!!


We had no intent!

7 Comments on Crooked Castro

  1. When it is a Dem no matter what the issue is it is always an inadvertent error. Doesn’t matter if it results in treason or any serious violations. Meanwhile the MSM actually has an article that it was *racist* of Melania to plagiarize Moochelle. So much for inadvertent errors!

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