Crowder Says You Don’t Want To Miss This Fiorina Interview – IOTW Report

Crowder Says You Don’t Want To Miss This Fiorina Interview

He’s picking her as the dark horse in this race.

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17 Comments on Crowder Says You Don’t Want To Miss This Fiorina Interview

  1. I’m waiting for the i-Carly porno, you know it’s coming (sic) because they did it to Sarah Palin. But then again lefties are all for women’s rights, so I doubt I’ll get the pleasure.

  2. I don’t know whether you’ve ever been exposed to huge corporations or not, but particularly when the shit hits the fan they have piped in presentations put on by the top dog. Such as Carly did with HP. Her presentations where big on content, her actions where short on delivery. I dunno, I’d like to see her team.

  3. Well, I watched it all the way through, and I think she’s great. She can really think on her feet and she always has a good answer with no fumbling. Keep an open mind, people. Nobody is slapping Hillary as much and as well as Carly.

  4. I hate to rain on the parade (not really, but it sounds like I’m being nice). All I gotta say is do your homework, you incredible IOTWR intellectual geniuses; you conservative Princes of New England and Texas and California and Washington, and from all over the country. Look deeply into this candidate’s past, her record on important issues. If she’s that good, then so be it. If she smells like a rat pol then it won’t be hard to find out. Don’t go all ga ga over erudition and sharpness of retort. S’all I’m sayin’.

  5. The power brokers and the Chamber of Commerce won’t nail her, unless/until she gets too close to Jeb in the polling. She and the rest of the menagerie are the squirrels who are to take the polling numbers away from Trump, so Jebby gets the nomination. See, Jebby and Hillary play ball with the same power brokers, so they don’t care who gets in as long as it’s a player.

    I know it’s early in the campaign, but eliminating Trump (who is probably the only non player of the menagerie) is of prime importance. He cannot be controlled.

  6. Fiorina is taking up the IDENTITY POLITICS mantle of calling out Trump on his “FU” tweet about Kelly bleeding.

    Hillary, Fauxcahontas and the Left in general THANK this Useful Idiot for furthering the “He’s Seeeexxxxist!!!” Card (psst! it’s on the flip side of the “He’s Raaaaacist!” Card)

    SCREW identity politics/P.C. and anyone who tries to take advantage of a situation by using it.


    And, yes, she was a LOUSY exec over at HP.
    Global Warmer, too.

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