Cruz: Gang of 8 Amendment Didn’t Allow Legal Status, Amendments Were Designed To Show ‘Hypocrisy’ – IOTW Report

Cruz: Gang of 8 Amendment Didn’t Allow Legal Status, Amendments Were Designed To Show ‘Hypocrisy’

cruz hume

Cruz responded, “Of course I wanted the bill to pass — my amendment to pass. What my amendment did is take citizenship off the table. But it doesn’t mean…that I supported the other aspects of the bill, which was a terrible bill. and Bret, you’ve been around Washington long enough, you know how to defeat bad legislation, which is what that amendment did, is it revealed the hypocrisy of Chuck Schumer, and the Senate Democrats, and the establishment Republicans who were supporting them, because they all voted against it. And listen, I’ll give you the simplest proof why this notion that my fighting amnesty somehow made me a supporter of amnesty. [Sen.] Jeff Sessions (R-AL) voted with me on my amendment to eliminate citizenship. Now is anyone remotely suggesting that Jeff Sessions supports amnesty? Of course not.”  Video @ Breitbart.

11 Comments on Cruz: Gang of 8 Amendment Didn’t Allow Legal Status, Amendments Were Designed To Show ‘Hypocrisy’

  1. But most Americans of voting age are too dumb to see this nuance, as evidenced by Brett Bair’s lame attempt to play “gotcha” with Senator Cruz.

    Sad times we’s a livin’ in.

  2. Another exemplary proof of how corrupted and lame the Establishment GOPers, Dhimmos, and Congressional leadership are!…. they all should be charged, convicted, and sentenced under the provisions of high treason….

  3. Absolutely, I watched on FOX too and this morning Brett was taking victory laps on Fox and Friends, He had Cruz way off balance. Then 20 minutes later they showed Bill O’Reilly’s interview with Trump and describe him as combative because he shoves it right back in their faces. If you missed that interview it’s worth looking it up. Trump told the big O that CNN is more balanced and fair to him than FOX was. I though Bill was going to have kittens.

  4. Still waiting for Cruz to plainly state that people who have entered our country illegally must leave. No more welfare, education, jobs. You simply have to go. Get in line if you want to return, and we should hesitate given that you broke our laws on your first entry.

  5. I watched it live and I thought Ted kicked Brett’s tail. It was definitely a “gotcha” interview but I didn’t think Ted fumbled at all. Worst part about it for me was that I generally like Brett Baier but this interview showed how in the tank these fox guys are for Marco Rubio. I knew they were all neo-cons but it’s getting ridiculous at this point.

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